
Question for those who know anything about the"thanweya amma"system in egypt,teachers, just egyptian anything?

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Hi, am a 17 year old egyptian an i just finished my 2nd year in thanaweya amma.

So,i would like to ask about the subjects i should be choosing

for the third"final" year.

Most students choose physics and biology for "3elmy 3oloom"

or Physics and mahts 2 for "ryada"

and history for "2adaby''.

My questions is:Can i take geology and biology instead of all this,is that possible by any chance?

Thanx in advance.




  1. if u are going to be adaby then choose falsafa ,3elm nafs ,gologya,tareekh

    we eb3dee 3en el ektesad we e7sa

  2. look

    if u take geology and biology u can enter كليات أدبى

    but with 3lmy total so it is really not prefered

    except if u like theses universities and u hate history

    if u like the faculty of medicine,dentisry,pharmacy,science

    u have to take physics and biology

    if u like to enter the faculty of engineering

    u have to take physics and math2

    and if u got low rank in senior 2

    so u can take hstory

    however my advice to u is to avoide taking geaology and biology

  3. Yes, you can..

    I was "3elmy 3loom" and had a colleague in my class he was "3elmy mota2adeb" means he didn't study neither physics nor history but geology and biology with philosophy.He studied chemistry in the second year.Actually he had loads of fun to see us suffering from d**n physics.

    He wasn't able to join medical faculties but I remember he could join faculty of science and faculties of "Adaby"

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