
Question for those who read Breaking Dawn: How do YOU pronounce her name?

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do you pronounce"Renesmee" like it's spelled or do you say it"renes-may"?

Also,tell me what else you thought of the book.




  1. re-nez-may....i do so hate that name...

    i thought the book was great and i did feel closure after reading the book, now i can't wait for midnight sun!

  2. i pronounce it ruh-nez-may. i thought the book was great!

  3. Rez-ah-may

  4. i say ren-nez-eh-mee haha :]

    i donno where i got that pronunciation lol

  5. ra-nez-mee

  6. reh-NEZ-may

    Who even knows? That name is ridiculous.  

  7. ruh nez may. i cannot believe thats what they actually called her. did stephenie meyer run out of names or something???

  8. I pronounce it reh-nez-may

    Or I simply say "that creepy h**l spawn."

    I think there's a lot about the book that could be improved upon.  It almost felt like a forced happy ending.  It didn't seem like the natural order of how things were supposed to go.  So I decided to ignore Breaking Dawn and end the series my own way.  A way that makes sense to me, without any mutant creatures.

  9. I think it's supposed to be renesmay, because it's a combo of renee and esme and Stephenie Myer has confirmed that esme is pronounced esmay.  however, I still say it renesmee

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