
Question for vball players..... PLEASE HELP!?

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okay.. i played seventh grd. vball and SUCKED(:

lol,, but now i wanna tryout for eighth but i'm really scared they;ll judge me from my skills last year on the team. i KNOW i;ve improved though!!

and i haven't been able to practice much over the summer!!

tryout are also like the 2nd week o' school!!!

any advice for tryouts!




  1. You might as well try out. Nobody will laugh at you if you don't make the team. Besides, you were on the team last year, so you have a better chance of making it. You don't have much time to get in shape, but make sure that your serve is really solid and consistent. Whether it be underhand or overhand (overhand would be more impressive), that's something that they'll definitely be looking for (one EASY way to learn how to serve overhand is by lifting weights - even a 5 pounder - or heavy objects to strengther your arms). Just go into it with a positive attitude.  If you don't make it, it's their loss. There are always club teams in your town (some are less competitive and easier to get in to than others) that you can join during the year so that you don't get out of shape and so that maybe you'll improve enough to make the high school team! Good luck!!!

  2. Lol, volleyball? I didn't even know that sport had try-outs let alone a team!

  3. You have nothing to lose. Try out and see what happens. If you where bad last year hopefully you worked on your weakness and are much better this year. Take it serious and ask the coaches what you need to do to improve. Go to the parks, boys and girls club find anywhere you can play and play as much as possible. The only way to get better is to train and play against better players. Good luck

  4. Dont show fear, show confidence, improve your skills more and more as fast as you can right now, But if you dont get in, dont be sad, because you tried you best and the other players were just better at this age.  

  5. If you can wear bright colors, wear them. Also they will try to judge you by your past but that doesn't mean that you can't change there minds. Give everything your 100% and look interested no matter how boring the thing your doing is. One last thing have a really good attitude.

    Good luck! [:

  6. if you made the team last year the coaches must have seen potential in you. you probably weren't as bad as you thought. either way, just go into tryouts being confident. you know that you have improved, so let everyone else see that too! and i know you're probably sick of people telling you to have a "positive attitude" but it really does help A LOT!!

    and on the volleyball side, make sure you keep your eye on the ball. it sounds easy but can really make a difference.


  7. jus go and play your sport! never give up!!!!!!!!!!

    "don't let the fear a striking out keep u from playing the game"

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