
Question for vegetarians?

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Even though you are a vegetarian do you still think that it smells good when you smell meat cooking? The thought of eating meat disgusts me but when i smell bacon cooking i can't help but think it smells good. I havn't been a vegetarian for long so maybe it will take time but...




  1. Pizza smells very good to me... I tried it once, tasted like SH!!

  2. It DOES smell good-and its a familiar smell that you grew up with.  Still, the thought of eating a dead pigs stomach is more than enough to keep me from wanting to eat it.  When I first went veggie years ago, the smell was really hard for me to deal with.  Now, it doesn't bother me, or make me crave it.  Just give yourself a little time to adjust.  I don't like the fake meats, but a veggie friend of mine says the fake bacon tastes just like the real thing.  You might give it a try, if you are having cravings.

  3. When I smell meat as sadistic as this may sound I just visualize animals being sluaghtered and I get over it ... when you know the background story on what it took the animal to get to your plate it would make you think twice how there tortured ... i cant even stand the smell of charcoal burning i get so sick because of how much smoke it lets off so i cant stand b.b.q's and try to avoid going to them.....i love animals too much to eat them again

  4. I think it usually smells really good - I think maybe because it reminds me of the home cooked meals from childhood.

  5. sometimes i think it smells good because of the spices used.

  6. I totally agree with beebs, It's a smell that you grew up with, it holds special memories. I would never eat bacon the smell of it cooking reminds me of Sunday breakfast at my grandmothers, when I was little. :-)

  7. Most of us including me have eaten meat at one point.  I myself ate meat for 24 of my 25 years.  

    I used to really like meat.  We are trained like Pavlov's dogs when it comes to meat.  They were trained to drool when they heard a bell.  We are trained to drool when we smell meat.

    Think of it this way.  Since the time you were born you had eaten meat every night at dinner.  You would be very hungry, and the smell of dinner (meat) signified that you would be eating.  That smell meant relief.  It meant you would no longer be hungry.

    Then suddenly one day that smell doesn't mean you are going to eat.  It's hard to break a habit that is so ingrained into your conscious and subconscious.

    Even though you have pretty much wiped it from your conscious, it will take a lot longer to wipe it from your subconscious.

    I have the benefit of being the second vegetarian in my immediate family.  My husband has been a vegetarian for 14 years.  I am also the one who cooks the meals.  When I went vegan the meals did too.  

    However, when I go to my Mom's she always makes roasted chicken for the meat eaters.  The smell of that was a little hard to deal with when I first became vegan.

    What I would do is concentrate on my new found knowledge of the meat industry.  Then I would get grossed out.  Then the chicken didn't smell good anymore.  I had to do that only a few times before it sunk into my subconscious.  It's now a natural habit.  

    When you smell the bacon think of the pigs.  Think of the piglets getting their testicles cut off while they are scared to death and without pain medication.  Think of the Mother pig who can't protect her baby.  She can't even see her babies because she is in a cage that doesn't allow her to turn around.  Think of how her and her babies won't see the light of day until they are in a truck packed against other pigs, frightened and being transported through all weather conditions.  They may spend days in that truck with no food or water.  The ones who make it to slaughter alive may be bled alive.

    Just think that and it will hard to like the smell of bacon.  Practice makes perfect and time solidifies habits...good or bad.

    Good luck to you and remember what you are going through is a natural part of being a vegetarian.  Time is your friend and never give up.

  8. Some meals with meat in them do actually smell good, but I get too disgusted thinking about eating it.

  9. Once in a while, something smells good but it's the spices.  Meat smells terrible to me, especially bacon.

  10. Well, I've been vegetarian for 3 months now, and I do it for the animals. And I'm going to be honest with you I still feel temptations now and again If I smell bacon or chicken. But it is starting to gross me out. And I just always remind myself why I became a vegetarian and the added benefits that come with it. I also try to picture images of slaughter that I have seen, or I think about gross things that have read about meat, and it takes care of the desire for the most part.

    To help with your cravings I suggest reading a good vegetarian cookbook. I reccommend "Munchie Madness", and "Cooking with Peta". And if you're like me and don't always like to get up and cook, I suggest buying some mock meat. I really like Boca Products because they're all meatless, they have a lot of vegan options, and they all taste great! I also like Amy's Kitchen Products. But just try new things out until you find a brand that you like.

  11. No, I find the scent digusting.

  12. my roommate one night had a romantic dinner with her man friend and they were cooking steaks and it honestly smelled like burning flesh... i went into in OR for observation once and they used this instrument that burns the flesh to cut it and the burning skin/fat smelled exactly like those steaks..  so i put a towel under door to block out the smell and left the apartment..   it was absolutely disguisting

  13. Yes, meat and animal products do taste good, at least they did to me when I ate them.  And I do occasionally think the smell of meat or other animal products smells good, while some of the odors on the other hand make me throw up.

    I'm a vegan because I don't believe in causing unnecessary suffering, harm, and death to animals - human or non-human.  Everybody has different reactions to scents, as long as you're not eating it, I don't see the problem.

  14. meat tastes good! just because it smells that doesnt mean it tastes bad! .... :S  try a tiny,tiny peice! try different kind... chicken...beef... and so on

  15. I've been vegetarian for about 24 years and meat cooking smells bad to me. Especially bacon and fish.

  16. The only meat that I think smells good cooking is bacon and I think its because when I cook my fake bacon, it smells soooo similar. I think that vegetarians/vegans who eat a lot of mock meats might be reminded of the way mock meats smell cooking whenever they smell real meat cooking. After I remind myself that it is a dead animal, I usually find myself disgusted and holding back a gag though.

  17. ew meat smells bad

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