
Question for waitstaff...?

by Guest63087  |  earlier

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While at lunch today, the waiter took my water glass, and about 3 other peoples' (not in my party) water/ drink glasses to refill. How in the heck can he be sure he is giving me back my glass?

The thought of drinking out of what could have been someone else's glass made me a lil green behind the gills, so I didnt drink anymore water.




  1. well unless your server was a total moron... which you apparently take him to be, he can remember what order he picked them UP in, as so to know what order to set them DOWN in.  Don't be suck a d*ck and give the guy some credit.

    But more than likely anyways....  he brought all of you new glasses with new water.

    Thats what I do, I just take the old glasses away to not have so much clutter on the table.

    I say quit being so assuming and just let the guy do his job.

  2. good question


    well i would ask if he could bring u a new glass of water

    i bet the other peoplewouldn't feel comfortable either


    well i guess if u have been there b4 then ask a waiter u know and trust 2 get u a new glass of water, but if u are new there, don't worry, just simply ask for a new fresh clean glass of water, or here is a trick u could use, u could pu on lipstick, in a bright shade, and take a glass of water and when u see the mark of lipstick on there u know it is yours . and if another person has your glass, then tell them to be aware, and to have them ask that waiter 2 bring a new

    but u might want 2 ask after they get their glasses. lol. or u could watch them put a drink in a glass andkeepyour eye on your glass.

  3. Very good question. I was a waiter for a few years and I would be able to keep track of glasses very well. I would place it on the tray a certain way to let me know where it came from. If you run into that in the future, dont hesitate to ask for another glass. If you dont feel comfortable with that, just ask for a fresh glass. After all it is going in your body, dont be afraid to ask.

  4. He may have brought everyone he served new glasses.

  5. Ya that is a good question! I would ask for him to bring me a new glasss if he took it from your table. I waited on tables for years and the rule of thumb was to bring the pitcher around to the tables.

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