
Question for women... Do we "NEED" men?

by Guest65932  |  earlier

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Inspired by another askers question.




  1. No.

  2. Yes, we do need man to live a good life and that doesn't mean we can't!

    But if some one has never been with a man and does want to be either...she wouldn't be happy as a normal person has to be.

    And same is with man even stronger need they have for women...not only woman!

  3. Yo Scahlett! Ey Scahhhlett! .. I'll clean ya guttahs for yah. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN? EH EH YOU KNOW WHA I'M SAYIN THERE? You get where I'm headed wit that? I'LL CLEAN YA GUTTAHS FOR YA! You d**n fox.  EH EH AH.. Know what I mean?

  4. We don't need men, we need oxygen and water but no not men. Although when we find a good man (which is not easy as there are not so many good men out there)we do of course want to keep him. So to sum up your question we don't need men but we would like a good man so it's a want rather than a need.

  5. Yes, especially if we want the existence of human life to continue.  In many other ways, no, as many women can support their own.

  6. I'm not a woman,but I've seen this question so many times already that I'm sick of it!!!

    Answer to question,Yes women need Men,Yes Men need Women.

    Reason,Life for the human race would cease to exist if EITHER were to not have access to the other!!!!!!

  7. I think they need us more because if it weren't for us ladies doing all the cooking & cleaning they would still be living in caves & eating berries.

  8. Here's a cut-and-paste of my response to the SAME question just two spaces above this one:


    Well, I have lived alone and I have lived with men. I CAN live alone, but am much happier when I live with a man.

    I am going to say YES, we DO need men because even when I am living alone, I enjoy the occasional company of men, and as I think about it, I would even enjoy living alone less - a heck of a lot less, actually - if there were no men at all "out there".

    And yet, I suppose I could look at it the other way, too.

    I COULD live without men, but just wouldn't WANT to.

    When it comes down to the final analysis, we usually value our "wants" above our "needs" in life. For example, if it is your birthday and one friend gives you a bottle of your favorite liquor or perfume and another person gives you a bottle of dish-washing liquid, which gift do you really appreciate more?

    A couple goes to the store and he buys a package of saw blades, a new set of windshield wipers and a fancy, expensive, fishing reel, and she buys a box of laundry detergent, a package of paper towels and a pink sweater with pearls on it.

    Which of their purchases do you think mean the most to them?

    He NEEDED the saw blades and windshield wipers, but you can bet it is the fishing reel he'll be bragging to his buddies about at work the next day!

    Yeah, and she's NOT going to be e-mailing her friends about that wonderful box of detergent and that fabulous package of paper towels - however much she may have needed them. NO, she's going to be proudly telling them all about that pink sweater!

    So maybe I don't really NEED my guy, but I WANT him in my life, and, to me, that places a much higher value on him!"

  9. Yes.

  10. Men need women as much as women need men because if it wasn't for men needing women nothing would ever get done. Because the main reason men get out of bed are for women. Every thing leads back to that one reason

  11. c**p.  I thought I was the only one asking this question.

  12. Yes, as a species and society.  No, as individuals.

  13. I need kock and someone to clean my gutters and mow the lawn.

  14. Hey if it wasn't for us you'd still be sat in the jungle eating monkey peas off each other, so can you show a bit of humility please!

  15. I WANT  them, and I have one.  Truth be told if women NEEDED men there would be no lesbians around.

  16. No.  We dont NEED them. No more then men need women.

    Women are capable of taking care of there own needs, food, water, money, shelter.

    Question is do we want to need them?  

    If a woman is with a man she NEEDS to survive, she doesnt want him or respect him as a person he is an asset.  She is using him, stand up for yourself and respect your man.

    Want your man by your side...dont Need him.

  17. no.....we don't 'need' is just one of the several ways to live this hard hard life.....n i must say, it is the best way out of many ways out there to lead a good, happy, and satisfying life.

  18. YES! I do. I love them. My dad, brother and boyfriend are my rocks for stability.

  19. Of course we need men, not only for procreation but to provide a balance in society.

    As mothers we are largely responsible for the socialization of men as we bring them from birth to maturity. We have to maintain a positive attitude toward our sons and partners, because only in this way can we expect them to behave toward women as we would want.

    Men are not to blame for all the ills in society today. Women share equal responsiblity.


  20. My father raised me so yeah, we need men.

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