
Question for you ever get pissed if a handsome man doesn't notice you or deliberately ignores you.

by  |  earlier

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please explain. thanks.




  1. i do i want this guy so soooooooo bad but i know i could never have him so i pretend he is my man and i have pretended for years, i am always daydreaming about him. this is his myspace link, check it out. he is SOOOOO HOTTT!!!

  2. if he deliberately ignores me, h**l yes.

    unless ive done something to provoke him, ignoring me would be uncalled for.

    even if he doesnt like me, he could at least be polite and say, run away quietly.

    if he doesnt notice me, then ill move on to someone else. im not the type to wait until he notices me. a lot of guys i know are like, if they dont notice me the first time, chances are theyre not interested.

  3. i wouldnt get pissed...he might have really not noticed...thats why its easier to just go up and talk to men and women..and if they say no..then i'd be pissed haha

  4. maybe not pissed, but if I tried to get their attention and he didn't look over I would get a bit insecure.

  5. No, although if someone deliberately ignores me I'd wonder why. I'd assume it's because they were egotistical and had an iferiority complex.

  6. I can't say that I have ever found myself in this situation.  How would I know if somebody were deliberately ignoring me?  If I asked somebody a question politely and they ignored me, I'd be angry no matter what gender they are.

  7. I'm not that noticealbe anyway xD

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