
Question for women only,what goes through your mind/what do u think when you see man eating alone in resturant

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Question for women only,what goes through your mind/what do u think when you see man eating alone in resturant




  1. I think good on him, why should you have to eat at home just because you don't have someone to go eat out with.

  2. i think "is he eating alone because he wants to or because he has to"!?!?!?!

  3. I think they can't get a date ... lol just kidding ! Nothing really goes through my mind when I see them .

  4. Nothing really ... I don't really think about it. Unless he is cute, then i think does he have a girlfriend.

  5. That he could be working away from home,

  6. That he is single.:)

  7. That he had enough sense to eat out even if no one would join him.

  8. Maybe he's on lunch and his wife/girlfriend is on the other side of town?

    You obviously don't live in an urban area!

  9. single, independent, and knows how to treat himself.

  10. That they are hungry. Same thing I am as a single woman eating alone in a restaurant.

  11. Like a lot of things, this depends on the situation.  What does the man look like?  How old is he?  Does he appear to be a local.. or someone traveling through town?  Is he dressed professionally or like a slob?  

    Most of the time I don't think twice.  I assume he wants some privacy or time by himself.  If I see a much older man, I think he may be lonely.

  12. Usually nothing, but sometimes I think awwwwwwwww poor guy needs someone like me to take care of him =)

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