
Question for women????

by  |  earlier

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I know women are turned off by bad breath, but how far do you have to be into the relationship for it to not be a deal-breaker? I.E. when do you get to the point when you decide to stay with him and tell him to clean up his mouth or something, instead of breaking up?




  1. it depends.. If she likes you, she wouldn't break up with you.

    And to answer your question , hmmm about a month or so.

  2. If he had bad breath, we would NEVER even be in a relationship. That's a complete turn-off. It speaks volumes about his hygiene. If it's a medical problem, he should try to do something about it.

  3. Bad breath is a definite turn off so it wouldn't take much.

  4. it wouldn't get into a relationship with me  

  5. Been there and done that..I made my ex brush i front of me because I thought it was gross.  We didn't get that close at first, so maybe that's why...My advice is whoever this question is related to, go to the dentist and get a deep cleaning to remove the smelly bacteria.  Keep up with oral hygiene and problem.  

    But yeah...I think if I realized in initial part of a relationship, it would be off unless he cleaned up really quickly.  Also, if his breath is bad, he could potentially have an unattractive smile with it.  Unattractive smile usually = no first date.  

  6. Bad breathe is real turn off.

    listerine is something they should invest .
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