
Question for you, Egypt, about love relationship?

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So this is the story and I need opinions

I have an Egyptian guy friend (I will call him "Mohamed"). After some time, Mohamed told me that he had feelings for me (and I have feelings for him, too). We talked about marriage, too. We never got physical either.

I started to meet his friends and family. One day, I met one of his Egyptian friends who was a nice and good looking guy and we got along and joke around like normal. The three of us went to go eat. While we were hanging out, Mohamed asked me what I thought about his friend (and his friend was there). His friend said something to him in arabic (he didn't sound happy that Mohamed asked this question). I thought this was weird. It seemed like he wanted me to be with his friend. I didn't say anything to Mohamed about this because I didn't have the chance to.

The next day, the three of us went out again and we had a good time. I joke around with Mohamed and his friend like normal. Then the next day, Mohamed asked me again (but this time his friend wasn't there). I asked him why and he said that because he know how I think... which I asked him to explain but he didn't, he just said that he knew what I was thinking and then he told me that his friend was asking him about me on whether I was married or available for marriage.

But then I never saw his friend after that day. And if I asked him about his friend, he would get mad.

Why would he act like this? It confuses me.




  1. this episode of Mohamad's friend was short lived .

    better .

    Egyptian men dont like having a male friend around .

    it isnt a matter of lack of self confidence .

    it is a matter of male possessiveness .

    all Egyptian men are like this .

    see if Mohamed is serious , suitable , etc .

    dont repeat the episode in the future .

    good luck.

  2. Ok i think what happened that he introduced you to his friend while he didn't tell his friend that he loves you and is planning to marry you

    and it seems like his friend liked you. and told "Mohamed" right away which seems to be shocked him to a level that made him frustrated and asked you in front of his friend what do you think of him. and this shocked his friend too. so he (his friend) might said to him in arabic "what are you doing?, don't embarrass me".

    and maybe when they were together his friend kept talking about you.

    and maybe he is interpreting your "spontaneous" behavior with them both as you like his friend back. and maybe thats why he gets mad when you ask him.

    he act like that because he feel jealous on you from his friend

    and on the other hand he might not tell his friend on his feelings toward you to him, as his friend might think he (mohammed) is acting mean and does this to keep him (his friend) away and win your heart. and maybe this makes him (mohammed) feel "irrational" and "irrelvant" guilt

    and maybe he says he wasnt serious because he is confused him-self. he loves you, his friend might think that he is stapping him in the back and will not believe him when he tells him he already talked to you before introducing you to each other.

    after all it is all assumptions

    So the best thing to talk with him clear about all of these thoughts and fears inside him

    and tell him you can tell that to his friend

    your friend Mohammed seems to be a person who get stressed easily,

    -he must show more self-confidence

    -and more trust in you,

    -stop the "illogical" guilt he might feel (to himself or his friend or you)

    -and show more ease dealing with his friend and with stressful situations in general. and his friend is supposed to be matture enough and get it right.

    but it is expected that your relationship (both of you) with his friend would be so much diminished if you really got married. but i think their relationship is weakened already now.

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