
Question for you rugby players?

by Guest65570  |  earlier

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Well, i've seen you guys come into the Football(american) section of y/a and say how NFL is for "sissys" because they where pads. So how are NFL players sissys if in rugby you arn't allowed to hit above the waist?

I'll tell you why NFL players wear pads, for protection. If you get hit hard in the chest or shoulder you could get SERIOUS injury, even with pads, NFL has worse injurys then rugby

So your calling us wussys, when you can't even hit above the waist? don't tell us were afraid because we wear pads.




  1. Whats this rubbish about not hitting above the waist. True, a good tackle is usually around the legs, but if someone leaves themselves open theres nothing like a good "rib-tickler" to make them think twice before having another go.

  2. One, I played American Football for four years (started 3, All-Conference/Area for two of those).  So, I know football and the pace of the game.  Two, I now play Rugby.  Three, the sports are both tough, but there are some differences.

    In football, you need to have extreme short burst strength whereas in rugby, you need to be able to play two 40 minute sides with no significant stoppages.  I could guarantee you that there are professional ruggers who could switch over to American Football and be stars.  On the other hand, there is no way in h**l that an American football player could switch to playing Rugby and make an immediate and significant impact on a team's performance.

    As for hits, you can hit above the waist in Rugby, just not around the neck (a horsecollar if you will).  As for pads, you can wear padding in rugby, but it's minimal.  You frankly don't need it because there is more of an emphasis on not leading with your head like many football players do.  Football padding is more of a safety measure because of poor mechanics than it is for pure brutality.

    As for injuries, I have seen just as nasty, if not nastier, injuries while playing rugby than I have in football.  ACL tears?  You bet.  Concussions?  Of course.  Huge gashes on your head from a nasty tackle?  Yep.  You name it, I've seen it playing rugby.  

    It takes a special person to be a rugger, and I'm glad to say that I'm one of the few who've found the game here in the states, and I thoroughly enjoy it.

    And as for implying ruggers are sissies - I dare you to step on a pitch with a rugger and see if you feel that ruggers are sissies.

  3. They hit harder in the NFL, but that's because they wear pads. I think rugby is tougher because they dont wear pads and there is no protection. And you are allowed to hit above the waist, just not the neck.

    Rugby makes you use more strength and skill instead of just focusing on attacking the h**l out of someone. In rugby, there is also more focus on ball handling skills

  4. You can hit above the waist its only above the neck, a spear tackle or a tackle without hand that aren't allowed

  5. you can hit above the waist aslong as its below the neck, its just move effective to hit below the waist

  6. Personally I dont think you can compare the two.Before they may have been similar but now they are different sports.

    And yes you can hit above the waist in rugby.

    American Football is a much slower sport (downs etc.) where as in rugby there is a slight bit more emphasis on quick play.Therefore rugby players tend to be smaller then american football players and so a "big hit" in rugby might be compared to a small hit in Football.

    And you can hit above the waist in rugby. Your not allowed hit above the chest for fear of neck injurys.Also You must "tackle" the player not just try to knock him over.

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