
Question from a friend on downgrading...?

by  |  earlier

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Hello! I am asking this question on behalf of my friend who has no experience in computers. She has a round-trip flight next month on American that she booked first class back in February or March, however she has asked me (which I did not know) if with the gas / oil prices now downgrade her reservation from First to regular (in Cabin).

What she wants to know will she receive credit, refund or can she not do it? I'll pass on the answers to her as I get them. Thanks!




  1. The gas issues will have no effect on her ticket in 1st class.

    If the fare dropped she can see about a refund, but they won't move her from 1st class to economy because the gas prices went up.

    If the airline decides to change equipement - like the type of plane they are flying and move it to a smaller aircraft with no 1st class seats, then she would be entitled to a refund

  2. first class tix are usually completely refundable.  She should be able to get her $ back and start over.

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