
Question from australians?

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how do you deal with high tax?whatever you earn you have to pay as tax?so can you manage your income?




  1. I believe paying tax is part and parcel of me living this is civilised, orderly, peaceful society I call Australia. I believe tax is necessary to spread around the income. Living in a country with a huge gap between the super rich and the super poor is not only create social jealousy, but also instability etc etc etc. Coming from such a place in Asia, (sort of) witnessing riots as the result of exactly this, it's personally too painful to delve into it. The government needs the tax money to build infrastructure, hospitals, public schools, wages for the public servants and the military, whether we like it or not. It is also to provide safety net for those who need it. A good government will not let its citizens fall through the crack, crawling and begging from other citizens for bread crumbs just to survive. That's part and parcel of living in a civilised, orderly, peaceful society.


  3. This might sound odd .. But I am happy to pay taxes... taxes provide a public educations system , help our national health scheme ( WHICH IS SOMETHING I AM PROUD OF. AND DON'T UNDERSTAND WEALTHY NATIONS WHO DON'T HAVE ONE).. build infrastructure.. etc... If I could guarantee that extra taxes paid would go to further education, health and aged care .. I would be happy to pay even more taxes.

    But I guess I am a little socialist in my heart :)

    If I have and you need .. I'll be happy to give to you.

  4. Australians are among the wealthiest people in the world, with one of the highest living standards anywhere.

    Australia also has among the world's highest per capita savings, thanks to our superannuation laws, which require employers to pay part of our salaries and wages as superannuation which cannot be touched until the person retires.

    Theoretically, our taxation system is the way we share the wealth of this nation equitably, and ensure everyone has a decent standard of living with good health care, housing and services such as roads, transport and schools.

    Of course, the system is not perfect and there are people and groups who do not get much benefit from this system, but compared with the developing countries of the world, and most western countries too, we are a very well off and well organised country with plenty to share.

    Thanks to a century of strong union involvement in the wages and salary decision making process, and an excellent industrial court system, Australians also receive wages based on fair principles of profit sharing and productivity benefits.

    Naturally, this can mean prices are high, but overall most Australians in staedy work can afford a mortgage, a family and a car, with a little something left over for recreation.

    Cheers :-)

  5. Yeah, because we're paid well - even our service staff have to be paid a livable award wage and so we don't have to tip them - and have unions to support our payrise rights. Most Australians don't mind paying a bit more tax than other countries because it all pays for our hospitals, schools and infrastructure and makes it a nice country to live in.

    Things are getting more expensive but most of us just need to rethink our wants and needs. At least we don't have to user-pay for all our needs, with a high standard free education and a public/socialised health system, and if we're seriously down on our luck we have a fairly decent welfare system. So we can still get by quite well even if we do pay a lot of tax.

    Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilised society, like our social insurance, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't agree with excise taxes and duties, though.

    I can understand why Americans resent paying taxes to their government. Their whole monetary structure is totally criminal and corrupt - the American people don't even own their own currency and their country is pretty much run by private interests.  I hope Australia never becomes like America.

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