
Question from ireland...... what is the weather forcast for the weekend as i am going to 'oxygen'?

by  |  earlier

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music festival




  1. If it's anything like the muckfest last year, I'd bring a small boat.

  2. I wouldn't even bother checking the weather forecast. You know what to expect - it's the monsoon season!

    What amazes me is the optimism though of the Irish. We'll turn up in runners and fleeces, but no wellies, raincoats or umbrellas!

    Rain? What rain?

  3. rain,rain and more rain, as usual.

  4. WET its Ireland in the summer

  5. iGoogle says:


    Current: Clear

    Wind: SW at 10 km/h

    Humidity: 72%

    cold and wet - enjoy

  6. saturday will be ok, but forget the rest. bring plenty of spare clothes, waterproof jacket with a hood is very handy. have a great time.

  7. hi you

    just right now it is not meant to be good so it would be safe to have a coat or rain coat handy

  8. It's not just the weekend forecast you need to take into consideration, if it's been raining over the last few days the ground will be really soft & after people have been walking over it for a while it will be cut to pieces.  Take wellies & some rain gear.

    Last year, the Saturday was initially quite sunny but as it had been raining solidly for 3 weeks beforehand the ground was a sea of brown at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon - you couldn't walk around unless you were wearing boots or wellies.  The weather got worse as the weekend went on.

  9. Brolly and coat always required.

  10. take a coat

  11. I keep checking it on metcheck

    Although it keeps changing. Now it shows heavy rain on sunday but earlier today it showed no rain on sunday.

    Safe to say it will rain though, so wear wellies.

    I think it will be showers and drizzle, I dont think it will be bucketin down like the last two years.

    You will still need wellies and waterproof jacket. Once the ground gets mucky it never seems to dry.

    It could be sort of sunny to thugh so im brigning suncream too. If teh sun is out you will get burnt.

    I think we'll be up to our **** in muck with our faces getting burnt to a crisp.

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