
Question from someone new to running?

by  |  earlier

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I am 6'4 253 pounds and out of shape.

I have been running now for 3 weeks. I was able to run a quarter of a mile. My heart was pounding hard, I had trouble breathing, I felt dizzy and my chest hurt.

When I walked home my ankles began to hurt a little as did my knees and thights.

For 3 days now I have found running to be easier, my heart does not race as quickly as it use to, I don't get dizzy, I can breath easier, my legs ankles, knees and thights no longer hurt and last night I ran a little longer.

So my question is what exactly changed that made it easier for me to run? What Phsical changes should I be seeing in a month, 6 months?




  1. practice makes perfect

  2. your getting in shape

  3. Your getting used to running. The first time you ran your body didn't really know what was happening because you didn't ususally do that. The changes you should be seeing is that you might be able to run a longer distance without feeling as much pain.

  4. Your getting in shape. Feels great, right? Just keep it up and start to run longer distances little by little.

  5. Its called your getting in shape, does that not make sense? The more you run, the easier it becomes to run longer and faster with less pain (unless you get shin splints or some other running complications)

  6. It's actually very scientific.  I've been running for years and years and I still do not understand it.  It affects all runners--new ones like you and old ones like me that are trying to improve speed and endurance.

    I wish I could explain it and I hope someone here can... but if you are good at understanding that sort of thing, try Googling "VO2 max" (the maximum volume of oxygen you use/need) and "lactate threshold" (the distance you can run anaerobically... or something like that).  These are what really contribute to "getting in shape" :)

    and... (I'm so glad we can edit these)

    the more weight you lose the faster you will automatically become and less chance of joint pain!   your heart rate will also improve and that will help you be able to run longer without getting dizzy.

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