
Question linking to my early one about getting my cat back from neighbours.?

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So she goes next door because they are feeding her fresh salmon. My question this time is....

Since she has been going round there she has only been in my room once. She used to stay in my room all night till mid day time but....

The last time she stayed in my room she urinated and pooped in my room. She has never done this before, she has always let us know if she wanted to go out by scratching on the door to wake us up.

Could this be because she has forgotten her house training (she apparently sleeps in a tent in their garden) or is it the salmon that they are feeding her?? Her pooped did seem rather runny (ewwww i know lol )

Could salmon be doing this to her?




  1. Yes, raw salmon can actually be dangerous to your animal, it can carry many parasites and harmful bacteria that can hurt your cat. Tell them to stop feeding her it immediately or your cat could get seriously ill.

    Not to mention they should get their own cat, and stop giving attention to yours.

  2. Your neighbors have no business feeding your cat. Does she wear a collar? Is it possible that they think she's a stray? Anyone with common sense would know that animals need to be on the same diet at all times-- switching foods will cause diarrhea and/or vomiting. And raw fish carries all sorts of parasites like toxoplasmosis and giardia which are disgusting and no fun to clean up after. So I'm not sure why your neighbors want to feed her... Talk to them about it. But keep in mind, she's YOUR cat, she needs to stay in your yard. There is nothing I hate more than other peoples' animals pooping in my yard, bringing fleas with them, or climbing on my car and leaving paw prints and claw scratches in the paint. And I love animals-- I have two cats. But they're indoors only. They're both perfectly happy and healthy. They've never been outside (they're actually scared of outside haha). Just keep your cat in your own yard or in your house and you won't have to worry about the neighbors feeding her. Put her on a harness and leash and take her out every day if you want. But don't let her roam freely. Keep a litter box inside and make sure she knows how to use it.

    As far as the diarrhea goes, keep some food out for her to eat. If you switch brands, do it gradually. If the diarrhea gets any worse, take her to the vet. Mine had diarrhea this weekend and we took him to the vet and it turns out he has giardia (probably from the place where he got spayed).

  3. I don't know too much about cats but I think you should tell your neighbours to stop feeding her.

  4. Yes, the salmon could be doing this to her.  She might be using the bathroom in different places because a.)  her normal routine is being interrupted by you cutting back on her outside time, or b.) cats are super anal about cleanliness and she is now used to using the bathroom wherever outside and never seeing it again and she thinks the litter box is disgusting.  

    But because she is an outdoor/indoor cat I would have her looked at. She may have worms.

  5. your neighbours are awfull! this is your cat! Go have a word with them, i would be upset if my cat who used to stay with me in my room now wants out to go to the neighbours and did a p**p in my room. i think its probably the fresh salmon doing this to her though. go have a word with your neighbours.

  6. Your kidding me right ? Get round to your neighbours house and tell them straight to stop feeding your cat !!  

  7. Once again, I suggest you go talk to your neighbor and explain nicely that the cat belongs to you and you would really appreciate it if they would not feed your cat - that it is on a specific diet and the fish they are feeding her is causing health problems (you don't have to get specific with them).

    I would also voice my opinion again that you should leave your cat indoors where she will be safer, healthier and live a longer life.

    You said in your first post you are avoiding talking to your neighbor, if so, how do you know they are only feeding your cat salmon?  Plus, the cat may be going somewhere else as well and getting something else.  It's like having a child that you only feed good stuff to, and he finds that the neighbor gives him cookies - bet he'll go to the neighbor before he eats at home everytime.  Have a frank, but polite, conversation with the neighbor - other than keeping him indoors, there is no other choice if you want your cat to return to his normal behavior. If you have a phobia about talking to the neighbor, write a polite letter.

  8. your neighbours have no right to be doing this and i think you should go round there (or again if you already have) and have a word with them. they should not be feeding your cat because that might be the reason your cat is changing his/her ways. since your cat is being feed new things and is beeing given diffrent care that could be the reason for the sudden change or attitude or personality. If your neighbours keep doing this i think you should tell them i they dont stop then your going to get the rspca or the police involved.

  9. yes it could.go have a chit chat w/your neighbors.

  10. Could be the salmon.  Tell your neighbour not to continue to feed your cat and that if it needs vet treatment for its tummy trouble you will be giving them the bill.  Perhaps you should put it in writing so that they take you seriously.  

  11. I know you want to avoid the confrontation, but this is your cat, and you're the one who'll be having to pay the vet bills if she gets sick, because I doubt they will!

    You'll just have to go up to them (I assume you know who they are) and tell them that she has got terrible runs because of a too rich diet, and ask them, as nicely as possible, to stop feeding her.

    Or tell them she has an allergy and can only eat some really expensive special cat food!

    Good luck, I'd be furious if someone took my cat!  They can get their own if they are so great!

  12. Yes.  Fish products are not good for cats, they don't have the right nutrients, and they can actually absorb essential fats from the cat as they go through her system.  

    But, anytime a cat eliminates inappropriately, requires a trip to the vet.  It could be anything from parasites to a behavior problem, but eliminating sickness is always the easiest, and first thing that should be done.

  13. Keep her inside permanently.  Ignore the cries to get out.  Put litter boxes in rooms she seems to go to the bathroom a lot in and slowly move them to the place you want her to use the litter box.  The salmon could be making her p**p runny.  (Lots of fish isn't good for the animal anyway.  All that mercury.)  She may also have worms if she has been out a lot.  (Get her p**p checked by the vet.)  Like I said before, turn her into a permanent indoor cat.

  14. tell ur neighbours that what they are giving her is not good for her. or be sneaky and start giving her some of it to keep her with u longer, at 11 years i am not sure if too much fresh salmon is that good for a cat anyway. her food should be varied. as long as they are not giving her cos milk which definately is not good.

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