
Question of deletions?

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I have noticed that the' moderators' of Yahoo are far to keen to violate people for questions regarding police misbehaviour and violence,also anything relating to the mass immigration of muslims and other foreign nationals milking our country,do the police or securty forces run Yahoo?




  1. all honest answers should be left alone, muslims are the worst for reporting you, they don't like to hear the truth about their religion.

  2. Yeah it's typical of cops. They take their megalomania with them everywhere they go, and even get a kick out of feeling powerful just cos they can click a button in a web page. Weak, sad little people they are.

  3. The LE section is probably one of the most emotionally charged sections in YA.

    Read the conduct section and find out for yourself.  Regardless of how angry someone is defamation of my profession or my brothers and sisters who bust their butts everyday is something I won't tolerate.

    Opinions are one thing - bashing is another

    Check out the link.

  4. No, it's ran by bed-wetting, hand-wringing, Guardian reading Lefties.

  5. Actually, the "moderators" have little to do with questions being deleted. It is an automated system. If a question is reported a couple of times, the system automatically deletes it and send out a violation notice.

    About the only time a yahoo moderator will get involved is when a person objects to a violation or deletion. Even that is getting to be rare!

  6. If you upset two people who report you, then your question gets deleted.  

    I lost one question today about the edibility of dogs - perfectly acceptable in China, but does upset Americans, especially after I added an erotic description of one of their national dishes with the same name.  I think it was the mustard wot done it!

    We cannot legislate against a narrow mind or the lack of a sense of humour, nor I think would we want to.

    Like any good dissident, we just have to rephrase our language to get in under the radar.

  7. Sure, if those answerers are so very wrong, why does Yahoo feel so threatened by them? Surely it'd be better to ignore them and not give them the attention they crave?

  8. There was a gang of trolls on here pertaining to be Police Officers and they were getting a lot of the questions deleted and reporting people. Hopefully we have now seen the last of them.
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