
Question on Exchange Server planning?

by Guest60513  |  earlier

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Two questions actually; first, how much does it cost (ballpark) to buy and set up an exchange server for a company with about 35 employees if we already have the workstations and server computer? Secondly, what does it cost annually to maintain it (i.e. licenses, ongoing maintenance, et)?




  1. I run a company with 25 employees and we use Exchange server.  It's been a few years since we bought it so I don't remember the cost of the software.  But once it's up and running you don't need a dedicted IT guy to keep it going.  Previous answer suggests you hire someone for 100K per year to keep it running.  NOT!  Pretty much once it's set up (you may have to hire someone to do the initial setup), there isn't much else to be done other than maybe adding/deleting accounts to it and anyone with any server/computer experience can handle that.  So previous answer for initial cost (for licenses and set up) may be accurate but for ongoing costs, pretty much nothing.

  2. This question is better answered by a MicroSoft certified Partner, with knowledge of MS Exchange Server.

    As I have a cert in MS Exchange, I will try to provide yu some usefull information.

    Current MS Exchange server is ver 2007.  Requires lisence from MicroSoft for the server the Exchange and CAL for each person to access the machine.

    Windows 2003 with 50 CALs is about $50,000.

    MS Exchange 20087 with 50 CALs is about $50,000

    Rough estimate for the 64bit hardware to run a small server like you describe, $10,000.

    $110,000 with out a guy to run it.

    $50/hr for 2000 hours for a year is $100,000. This is with bennies and all inclusive package for a guy.

    That is about $210,000 for one year.

    How much does it cost to have 24x7 electricty for a dual 700 watt power supply for one year at $0.17 per kilo watt hour?

    What is your internet connection cost per month?

    Hope this helps. This can serve as a base line to start your search for the answer that will fit you personally.

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