
Question on Gears Of War active reloading (plz only answer if you are positive)?

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at the begining of the round sum ppl empty their clip and active reload b/c

1) it make the gun shoot a bit faster

2) more pwrful bullets

do i have to empty the ENTIRE clip to get this effect for every bullet or can i just fire off a few shots?

will the effect stay if i switch weapons and then switch back to it?




  1. The answer is no and no.

    You have to empty the clip and use active reload in order to get the full clip powered. If you fire half and reload. The half that is reloaded with be the only one powerful.

    Also the effect is temporary so it will go away whether you keep out or not.

  2. say you fire 15 bullets and perfect active reload, your first 15 shots of the new round will have increased damage. it doesnt stay if you switch and then switch back and you lose the damage bonus after 15 seconds or so anyway.

  3. If you empty almost the entire clip and active reload correctly, the ammo that is added to the clip will have the power of active reload. So if you empty just a little bit of your clip and reload, only a small amount of bullets will be active reload. You can tell by looking at the ammo under the gun to see if part of it is flashing or not. The part that is flashing has active reload power. The more bullets you use to empty your clip, the more bullets you'll have on active reload when you reload correctly.

    Note that active reload power only lasts about ten seconds, so you have to use it or it will go away.

    Try it out for yourself to see.

  4. if you only shoot a few bullets i recomend only shooting about 3 or 4 just incase someone sneaks up behind you.  and yes u will still get the power up.  if you switch guns and then switch back you will NOT have active reload still it will not still have the power up thing.  

  5. First of all active reloading doesn't make the gun shoot faster; it just makes you reload faster. It makes the bullets stronger. Say you've got 10 shots left in your lancer and then you active reload, then all the bullets EXCEPT the 10 that were originally in your lancer, will be stronger.

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