A year ago i stayed in a large 4 storey house in France with 14 others. We were not allowed on the 4th flor it was locked. On around the 4th night, i heard a scraping noise above me and i was on the 3rd floor, like it was coming from the floor above. It sounded like furniture was being moved around and thrown, like chairs or tables. It was around 4am and everyone was asleep. On my floor there were 4 others i was too scared to get up and go to there rooms so lay awake for and hour or so until it stopped.
The next mornig i woke up and asked anyone if they had heard teh noises only one heard the noises and she heard the exact same noises and at the same time. There was a myth that there were two ghosts that occupied the house, it only happened one night out of 14. Could this be ghosts?