
Question on God and the afterlife?

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i put my question here for a reason. if you've ever contacted anyone who is clairvoyant, what have they told you about God and why there is so much evil? The one lady I saw, and I trusted her, said it's for us to learn to something. well, i don't buy that, why should the innocent people suffer while others are having a good time because they live in another part of the world, and why is God cruel himself, everyone experiences pain, even animals who are neither good/bad. what are your thoughts on this, and you can go real in-depth. thanx a lot

ps) one more thing, do people who had tragic lives (refugees, poverty, famine, murder, etc) get to experience the good life they never had in the afterlife? by the way, i'm not talking about reincarnation, i don't believe in that. so, if anyone can relate...thanx




  1. God and the afterlife. Two very different things & yet people seem to associate them because they believe after death they will meet their maker. Somewhat sound reasoning given that there is a god or gods and/or an afterlife for that matter. But the proof for any gods existence or an afterlife are both fundamentally lacking. It is more evident to believe that neither a god/gods nor an afterlife exists, no leap of faith required.

    Start from there Neo, and you will truly see things the way they really are.

  2. Actually this is a complex question that really needs to be answered by someone more experienced like a priest or pastor. From my understanding of the Bible, the devil is allowed to control this world until God chooses to intervene sometime in the future. Until that time happens we will continue to see suffering and injustice and evil. Even those that have faith do not have a life full of happiness. We all suffer at some time in our lives and I have had my share. There have been times when my faith has been severely tested but God always threw me a life line and got me through. It is our spiritual existence that is more important than this earthly one. I have no doubt that God will intervene as he promises in the Bible but I cannot tell you when that will happen, no one can. Your soul is searching for answers so my best advice is to seek a priest or pastor who can guide you. Please have a look at the following it is indeed a true example of the power of love:

    If the link doesn't work just type in Christian the Lion and you should see a heap of links.

    May God bless you and I hope you find what you are looking for.  

  3. Humans are evil and cruel.God/the universe/mother nature whatever you call it is indifferent.It will continue on long after we are gone and forgotten.All the legends we've created about our existence.All the promises we've made to ourselves about our immortality.They will disappear along with us.

  4. Look, everyone suffers.  Everyone of Jesus's disciples were ridiculed, and I believe all, if not, all but one, died a martyrs death.  Suffering is not just for people who do not believe in God.  If you read the first few chapters of Genesis, you will see that pain and suffering, shame, sin, all that, came about after Adam and Eve Sinned.  The good thing is that if one accepts Jesus as their savior (not just with words, but with a desire of the heart and soul), though that person my suffer a great deal, he/she will never have to worry about suffering for eternity.  And one thing about the bible: if you are an atheist, and think all religions are false, you should still read the bible because it is applicable to daily life and does have humanitarian morals.

  5. She told you the truth and you rejected it. There is nothing I nor anyone else can do for you until you grow up.

  6. I am currently half a century old. LOL.  I gotta tell you, all things that happen in this life, generally have a purpose.  We may not see how that one incident affects all areas affected.  But I have seen strange things and  things that have happened in my life changed my path which led to what I truly wanted in my life. I have lost loves and gained other loves.  All these experiences make me who I am.  Just as what you see and experience make you who you are.  It takes all kinds to make this world work.  And think what they did to Christ.  No wonder some choose a different path.  Some are martyrs and some make martyrs of others.  God never said he controlled the earth.  Just that here is where we choose. It is tough here, but those whose life was stolen on this level of life is somewhere.  I don't believe our spirits are dormant.  They have a purpose someplace.  The bible indicates that we will all face judgment together.  Other faiths say reincarnation.  Some faiths say different planes or levels of existence.  All we can do is our very best in this existence. The rest is not our problem yet. Live and keep learning. We all have a path to travel.  Have faith that somehow it will come to make some kind sense to someone.

  7. Don't turn the table on God. He is going to ask us the same question:

    "Why did we aloow so much pain? Why didn't we comfort more? Help the less fortunate?"

    We are HIGHLY rewarded in Heaven for helping others, loving others, and even for our suffering.

    "Vengeance is mine", saith the Lord.

  8. People who do not follow the prophecies of the Holy Bible are not blessed.  That is why there is suffering.  The people that do not follow the prophecies choose to for the greater glory of God.

  9. I suggest looking into a book called "A new earth" by echart tolle. You will have many answers for this question you provided and it will be up to you to choose the best answer that you see fit the world is constantly evolving and changing, god is ultimately perfect and we are a part of his perfection it is the human ego that likes to blame god for the doing of things so that we dont have to focus on the actions that we display in society. Really look into this book it will explain alot a fast read and about 312 pages long.

  10. Earthly pain is temporary like the body. Evil and pain is used as a negative for learning.....You can't learn unless you go through the experiences or atleast experiences make for a better teacher. If we had no negative in this world, where would your postive learning come from? Does it not take negative and positive in a battery to start a car that it moves forward.

    God gave us free will to do what we like, God knows we all eventually would come around once we learn, and that it takes time. God can help only if we allow him to, God doesn't want to infringe on our free will.

  11. My question is, if you don't believe in God, then why waste your money on a clairvoyant? When one is gifted, one gets one's gifts from either God or the devil... All depending on which "spirit" one embraces.

    Would you want to serve a god who treats you like a puppet? Pulling your strings to do his or her bidding? No. We all have Free Will.

    In Catholic terms, the reason there is so much extreme poverty is due to an imbalance. The extremely rich refuse to help others, thereby properly dispersing goods equally.

    Jesus says if you have two coats, give one away. Yet most of us have a dozen coats at our disposal.

    The disparity is neither God's fault, nor God's creation. It is ours.

  12. there is a god they say and he is watching all of us weather you believe it or not, good luck.

  13. It has a lot to do with karma and the lessons we choose to learn each lifetime before we incarnate. A person may decide to have a lot of challenges in one lifetime in order to grow spiritually. One of your most hated enemies could indeed be a member of your soul-group (group of souls spiritually connected) fulfilling an agreement predetermined before you where born.

    God cannot correct all wrong doings in the world because without them we wouldn't learn or grow spiritually. I think of god as the purest energy source connecting the masculine and feminine aspects of the soul, we are all connected to each other through this energy just on different vibrations, the aim being to work on our-self through life's challenges to lift our vibration and bring us closer to this source.

  14. As a Christian I often ask this. I've had a very hard life. I just sold something I wrote called "Hate Your Life There is Hope". I explain why i SHOULD hate my life but I don't. Then I explain how my Christian faith helps me through it. Also pretty much I answer your question about WHY God let's us suffter. It is being processed at this moment but should be posted soon.

    Here is my main page: -

    When it is published it will be right up top.

    In a quick answer I'll say one thing I was told as  teen when I asked a Christian teacher WHY God let me be sexually abused as a child then again RAPED by a guy for months on end.

    She told me pretty much that God gave us control over our life. If he controlled us all we'd be like robots. He gave us FREE WILL so we do as we want. We pick GOOD or EVIL.

    When Evil does happen it hurts God. This is taken from my article I wrote - Touched by an Angel once had a quote that brought me to tears and touched me so much. I hope this will bless you as much as it did me. A woman had been raped and was talking to one of the angels. She asked "Where was God when I was being hurt?" or something like that. The angel answered "He right there crying along with you."

    As a Christian I can look back at my life and see God has been there. I had times of my life to hear about Him, know he loved me and stuff like that.

    During the years of sexual abuse I use to picture angels around me keeping me safe.


    Your second question - do people who had tragic lives (refugees, poverty, famine, murder, etc) get to experience the good life they never had in the afterlife?

    I personally believe that when we die no matter what life we had here on earth we will be blessed in Heaven.

    The bible says no tears or pain in Heaven. What more could we ask for?


    I heard wonderful quote from an actor on a Christian station. He said "Why should we expect our life to be better than the life Jesus had?"

    Jesus was here on earth for less than 35yrs. He was hated, beaten, put in jail & killed.

    Why should we expect any less? Jesus was the SON OF GOD. He could have been born in a castle not a barn! He could have had tons of people who LOVED him around him yet he chose to eat and be with thieves to tell them about God.

    What right do we have to complain?

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