
Question on HD for 42" Vizio plasma?

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Hey! I just purchased a 42" plasma by Vizio. I have been wanting a large screen television for ever as I had the antique 20" big box television from 30 years ago. Can anyone give me information on how to set up HD for this television. I know you can use your cable company, but are there other ways to get a better picture. The picture on a few stations are not exceptionally clear as in the store because there must have been HD hookup there, but I would like to know how I can arrange for the screen to be a bit more clearer. I am currently using a basic black coaxial cable cord. Is there a better cord that I can use to get a clearer picture.

Also do you have to get the long tv stand that many times is shown with a large screen television? I have a teevlsiion stand that fits the television but it is not the long style.

Basically I need some HD 101 :-) Any ideas?? Thanks!




  1. Not really with the 101,... U mite need to have the Vizio replaced. They are a good TV and alot of screen for your $$$ but they are the Chevy of flat screen's There must be a 30 return policy,.. and 1 yr guarantee

  2. Ok...first of all...your'e using coaxial cable, which is THE WORST kind of cable you can get rid of it :) To get the BEST picture quality on your tv, HDMI cables are the way to go. Don't be fooled into buying Monster HDMI cables that are usually $100+. Since HDMI is a digital's either on...or off, no inbetween. So a cheap $20 cable will work EXACTLY THE SAME. The only difference you'll notice is build quality of the cable. In order to get HD pictures (like the ones in the store) you need to receive HD programming from your service provider. Either cable or satellite company. If you buy an antenna, you can receive your local channels (if available in your area) in HD (FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC) since your tv has a built in HD tuner. But you'll be limited to only a few channels. DirecTV has the biggest lineup of HD channels (almost 100), and I would suggest you look into them.

    Basically, your HDTV is just a normal tv until you receive HD programming. Hope this helps! Feel free to e-mail with any questions.

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