I bought three hermit crabs about three weeks ago, and everything was fine. I went out and bought some sand, some little rocks, shells, two bowls (I had two different kinds so I put out a bowl of fresh distilled water and a bowl of salt water), food, and etc. I cleaned the rocks about once a week by soaking them in soapy water, and kinda sifting through so any food or anything would rise to the top. The littlest hermit crab I had, Piddler, never moved much. When I first got him, he'd move around a little when I held him, but he was very inactive. I would never see him come out, but around the time I would be going to bed, the other ones would be out and doing their thing. After the first few days, he wouldn't come out at all when I would hold him. This being the first time I've had hermit crabs, I didn't know what to think so I left him alone. Today, I noticed he hadn't moved an inch since I last saw him, and when I picked him up, sure enough he was dead. Now, I don't understand. Is this some disease he could have had? I changed the food daily, I sprayed them with the little water bottle, I kept the humidity at or above 70 (sometimes it'd be around 80), and the temperature was usually around 77 degrees. I don't know if this is abnormal, but when I pulled his corpse out of its shell (after three legs coming loose) his back was a pinkish, but his abdomen a complete soft pink. His legs were nice and hard, though. Is this the result of rotting or something else?