
Question on Railroad retirement benefits????

by  |  earlier

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I currently work for the Union Pacific railroad, I don’t completely understand the 2-tiered railroad retirement system. Can anyone help better explain it to me. The only people I can talk to work under the old Southern Pacific agreement and fall under TPA. My question is this:

If I work for 30 years and retire exactly at 60 years of age and never make more than 50k a year what should my retirement look like per month or yearly. I know it goes off my 3 best years but that doesn’t really help me much. Also do any of you know what the average retirement for a conductor is? (I am a conductor)

Thank you very much for your time and answers.




  1. If you are not making more than 50k you are working for the wrong railroad.  My hubby works for BNSF.  He has only been there for 2 years and made more than that.  He's not a conductor either, maybe that is the difference.  Someone already gave the website for the  retirement board.  Good luck!  My husband says it is 80% of your 3 best years averaged.

  2. Why guess at what you may get?  But you really are a LONG way from worrying about it.  Contact the RRB (railroad retirement board).  They are the ONLY source for accurate information concerning retirement benefits.

    By the way, how old are you?  I f you don't have 30 years in at age 60 and you elect to go anyway you are going to take a big CUT in benefits.

    here's a link to the RRB site:

  3. Sorry.  I am proudly ex-SP, even though the last of my pay checks said Union Pacific at the top...

  4. Try It has a lot of tools to help calculate retirement income.

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