
Question on Space?

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Isn't it weird to think that space goes on forever? Where would it end? Is it possible there are other planets with people?

Not asking for answers obviously, just thoughts on this.




  1. Actually, it doesn't go on forever -- space is of a finite size.  But it has no boundaries; you cannot get to an "edge", no matter what you do.  The usual analogy is to a bug on the surface of a balloon; the bug can roam where it pleases, but never encounters an edge.  Now suppose that the balloon is expanding, and you have a plausible model of the universe.

  2. We still dont know weather universe is closed or open That is finate or infinate. Eventhough earth looks flat,when we travel in the same direction,we will come back to the same point.

    Since there is speculation about other universes,then it must be closed.Space means where there is matter!

    If there is matter,then gravity should act to make it close!

  3. The physical universe is made up of matter, space, energy, and time.

    All aspects of the physical universe fall into one of those categories.

    Since space is a component of the physical universe, it is an unimportant factor if the matter, energy and time are not also involved. In fact, it would be hard to prove it even existed without the other factors.

    It is safe to assume there is an end to the universe. An outer limit beyond which there is nothing. That "frontier" may be constantly changing, but that is not the issue. Outside of the physical universe, there is nothing to measure, and no one there to measure it.

    I think it is likely there are other planets with other intelligent beings living on them. They would likely be very far away and it is unlikely they have been visiting us, but not impossible.

    Consider how far our knowledge has progressed over the last couple of centuries.

    How much more may we learn over the next million years?

    Since the universe is billions of years old, what are the odds there are civilizations that have been around for a much longer time than us humans? And what have they learned that we don't know? Could they have solved the problems of traveling great distances? ? ?

  4. our universe is oscillating(the oscillating model explains this), in other words it's expanding. if u follow the theory of big bang, it states that the universe was created by a big explosion, and that explosion is still affecting the universe today. the effect is that it is still expanding. once the effect stops the, the universe will thn start to come back on its self. this is caused by gravity. so eventually it wont go on forever. and about people on other planets, im 100% positive about that.

  5. The Universe is by definition - everything.

    It is infinite.

    However, the matter within the universe IS finite and is slowly expanding with the universe.

    Most people with even a reasonable understanding of the theories of our universe, make the mistake in thinking that the universe itself is expanding.

    The Galaxies are each expanding on the outer edges (I use 'edges' to define where the galaxy ends and not to mean an edge like a cliff) and contracting at the cores.

    It is believed that the centre of every 'whirlpool' galaxy contains a Black Hole which explains the contraction with matter (planets and such_ that are NOT in the direct gravitational pull of the Black Hole are slowly escaping its influences.

    As all of the Galaxies interact with each other to a greater or lesser gegree, this pulls some toward each other while pulling some further apart.

    The galaxies continue out into the 'void' and will do so for eternity as there will be no point they can reach that will halt their progree.

    Infinity is a difficult concept to grasp as we have nothing that is remotely infinite.

  6. Well, yeah, but you're taking the universe out of context.

  7. With all of our view galaxies...we have seen roughly 14 billion light years worth of outer space.

    The chances that another planet exists with intelligent pretty good.

    We don't really know...but we can speculate...what lies beyond those 14 billion light years....based on what we do know about space.

    The 14 billion light year what is called the visible universe...that is....the distance that we have the current technology to see.

    No one can say...with absolute certainty....what lies beyond that........yet!
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