
Question on addictions...?

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I know people always say stuff like "Oh my God I'm addicted to pizza" or "I'm a addicted to Yahoo! Answers", but is is really possible to become literally addicted to something by using it extensively? Or does it have to have a proven addictive substance in it like nicotine?

Basically, is there a difference between an addiction and a strong desire to do/have something?




  1. Interesting perspective

    So didn't think if it that way

    but yeah that word shouldn't be used for stuff like that..

  2. In my opinion I believe that addiction happens when it is beyond your control to stop whatever it may be. If you can't stop eating, shopping, snorting, drinking, gambling, and it is causing problems then it is addiction. I love the color pink. My whole wardrobe is just about pink. You could say that I am obsessed with the color pink. It does not however interfere with my life. It does not cause me problems or guilt or consequences. on the other hand I smoke. I can't stop and it has caused me to have lung problems. I am addicted to nicotine. i believe that there is an imaginary line that one crosses over into addiction. Once there you can never go back to before. You can get help and stop, but you will always be addicted to what ever it is that you crossed over that line in. Addiction has identifiable signs that abuse does not. It goes back to the problems it causes. Sometimes it can only be how it makes you feel(bad, terrible, ect.) Other times there could be dui's, bankruptcy, lost of job, loss of marriage, ect. hope that helps!

  3. Yes and no. Lets use Gambling for example-

    Similarities between pathological gambling and chemical dependency(drug addiction) include an inability to stop/control the addiction, denial, severe depression, and mood swings. Pathological gambling and chemical dependency are both progressive diseases with similar phases. These include "chasing" the first win/high, experiencing blackouts and using the object of addiction to escape pain. Both pathological gamblers and persons addicted to alcohol or drugs are preoccupied with their addiction, experience low self-esteem, use rituals, and seek immediate gratification.

    Unlike chemical addiction, pathological gambling is a hidden disease ­ gamblers do not stumble, have needles in their arm, or smell of cards and dice. Pathological gamblers cannot overdose in the conventional sense, but they experience tremendous financial problems that require immediate attention. More resources are available to chemical dependency than gambling addiction, in part because most people do not perceive gambling as potentially addicting. It is very important that pathological gamblers receive crisis stabilization at the beginning of their treatment, because pathological gamblers have a much higher suicide rate than persons addicted to alcohol or drugs.

  4. The definition of addiction is not that literal. There are physical addictions, mental addictions, pleasurable additions, destructive addictions, etc. etc. even emotional addictions.  

  5. There are different kinds of addiction. Medically, addiction means that someone needs to use a substance to function normally, like alcohol with an alcoholic. This can often be linked to physical dependency where you actually get physical withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking the substance (alcohol, heroin, nicotine, caffeine etc.).

    Addiction is also often used for psychological dependence such as compulsive behaviour or substance abuse where there is no actual physical dependence.

    When someone says they are addicted to pizza, unless they have to have pizza at regular intervals and without that they get cravings, insomnia, irritability etc. then they are not really addicted - they just like it.

    People do get addicted to pizza, gambling, even internet use (there have even been deaths).

    Medically, most would agree that addiction is habitually doing something (be it substance abuse or some sort of compulsive behaviour) to the detriment of health and social life and having psychological withdrawal symptoms if the behaviour is withdrawn. In the case of addiction to physically addictive drugs it's almost always coupled with physical dependence.

  6. There are  addictions and bad, unhealthy and destructive behavior in many areas.

    Howeverbecausee bad habits are emotional, chemical additions are totally different. If you know and are aware of your problem, this is the first step to change.

    There is something you and you only can do to begin new habits, on purpose.  Live you life on purpose not by default.  Only you can do this.

    Give yourselff a reason and purpose to live life. Now, this is possible when you become awake to you own self image. Do You think You deserve to have a good life. God must think so,  YOU were born !

    Get this Personalized book ,with YOUR name throughout every page and if Full of positive affirmations about YOU. It is an awesome way to change your thoughts and expectations of  YOUR SELFF.  Build confidence in yourself and see some power in your own life. You CAN make a difference in YOU ! This book is an awesome way to build your confidence and courage....Not with arrogance but with great understanding of who you are meant to become in you life. At the site below, fill out the first page and then see your own book before you buy.  It is well Worth your investment in Yourself !!! The book won't do it by itself , it will take YOU to receive the encouragement personally. Daily reading is all that is required to see your life and outlook change. It's all about changing your life because you deserve a great life without hindrances of bad behavior.  

  7. Anything that meets an emotional need can be addictive.  You feel that you need it to be a fulfilled person at that moment in time, even if it is a substitute for something genuine that is missing in your life.  Even if there are no chemicals in it, you have the need for an emotional fix to fill a void.  p**n, gambling etc are all non-chemical examples.

  8. i think addiction can be, physical, mental or habitual  

  9. An addiction is anything that you do or use repeatedly that causes your life to be dysfunctional, yet continue to engage in self-destructively. Substance abuse addictions are only the tip of the iceberg when referring to addictions.  Gambling,Food, s*x, Work, Relationships, and Pornography are all examples of things that people can become addicted to.

  10. In this case sounds like "addiction" is used for "affinity".  In some countries the word "addiction" really means "use".  Do you use or have an affinity for something.  In the U.S. it means "dependent.  And that in this case is or means you are subject to some thing.

  11. gambling kind of works that way.........

  12. positive reinforcement leads to repeated behaviors which can lead to an addiction. However, some things are chemically addictive and our bodies require the substance to survive.

  13. Within psychology, you can get addicted to anything because if something gives you reward or pleasure, then you will want to do it again, it is called reinforcement. So, No, it doesn't necessarily have to be a "text book" addiction...

  14. I would say that, a strong desire and addiction are different in that, addiction is as result of chronic strong desire to have or do some thing. It no longer remains desire, because you can no longer do without it.So you become addicted to it.

    Basically the pleasure you get from what you are addicted to acts as nicotine in this case.Because it keeps you wanting/yarning for more.

    I hope i was of some help dear.

    Thanks for asking

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