
Question on adoption?????? HELP

by  |  earlier

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my mom is either going ot put me into foster care tonight or tommorw, she also may just put me into juvey if she decides. but can the judge for the quart also decide weather i go to foster care or not or go to juvey??? i'm "really" scared and don't know what's going to happen to me!

PLEASE answer as "soon" as possible, i don't have much time to figure out anything.




  1. what did u do depends on your age in chicago they call it audio home  maybe  you will go there.  maybe she is  bluffing just start being a better person

  2. She can't put you in juvie, juvenile detention is for kids who have been found guilty of a she can't.

    If she places you in foster care, she may be charged with abandoning you.

    Why is she saying this to you?

  3. Now i really dont know what you did hope its not life threating.

    but BEST thing you can do is call a close friend or relative that you can stay with for a while until your mom thinks a little threw

    just make sure your safe because foster homes are worse then juvie because you can get beated & raped easily in there

    Please Call Some One For Help Okay (:

  4. Liar.  They would put you in Juvinial Hall if you REALLY screwed up, or if your mom is a wacko, would put you in CPS or with a dependable family member.

  5. I am so sorry hun.  First of all, don't worry about going to juvenile hall (Juvey.)  Your mom cannot choose to put you there.  You have to break the law to go there and there has to be evidence... your mom can't just get up there and lie to get you thrown in.

    You CAN, however, be put into 'the system' as a foster child.  It sounds like your mother is at her wits end... (most moms are when their kids are teenagers, your mom apparently just can't handle it.)  

    If you have any family members that will let you live there, they will be the first people the courts will consider putting you with.  When things like this happen, they prefer to keep kids and teens with their original family... so talk to aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, you name it.  Even family friends.

    If no one will take you in, don't dispaire yet.  If you end up in a group home keep your nose to the ground, go to school, and do what you have to do.  If you get sent to a foster family, the same applies.  Just remember, wherever you go, to report any instances of abuse to your case worker.  (Not just sexual abuse or physical i.e. hitting... name calling and psychological abuse also applies.)

    You're 15... whatever happens, it's only 3 years until you're an adult and are legally recognized as able to take care of yourself.  Do the best you can with what you get, and remember that, regardless of your mother's actions, there ARE people out there who care very much for you and your well being.

    I wish you the best of luck and I hope you'll keep in touch and let us know how things pan out.  Feel free to e-mail me anytime.  If you go to my profile, my yahoo e-mail isn't private, so feel free to use it whenever you need it.  

  6. This poster has been asking questions about this for some time. I think she is totally legit. Don't give her a hard time right now in her life please.

    I don't think she can put you in juvi, but i DO know she can put you into foster care.

    I am so sorry this is happening in your life. This is so not right. Please post when you can. PLEASE let us know you're okay.

  7. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. It just sucks.

    She can't put you in Juvie, not unless you've committed a crime or serious juvenile delinquency. So don't let her scare you. She probably can put you in foster care, though, which is scary enough since you don't know what will happen.

    Do you have any friends you could go stay with? If you aren't around for a bit then maybe your mom would calm down and reconsider? Or even if she doesn't, a known friend would be a lot less scary than the unknowns of foster care. If one of your good friends has a stable family, go to them and ask if you could stay. Maybe eventually they could even be guardians for you, but I think for right now just getting out of the house might be a good thing.

    I really wish you the best of luck, honey.  

  8. If you didn't have a mohawk, you might not be in this situation.

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