
Question on auto insurance?

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I am quite new to owing a car and getting insurance, when obtaining quotes what are some of the questions that you ask the insurance agent? Also, are there different policies that cover if your vehicle is stolen or does this come in the standard policy? Any other useful info that anyone could provide will be appreciated. Thanks.




  1. you ask no questions, they do.

    there are all kinds of policies: Liability is the cheapest and least you need to be legal in most states.

    Or you can get comprehensive, that's when they pay whatever damage you do to your expensive and brand new car even if it is your fault.

    Frankly, unless you are very well off, it pays to start off with an oldish car and get liability only.

    CIt's the cheapest option that'll give you the chance to practice driving without wasting a bundle on expensive covers needed to fix expensive new cars which YOU WILL dent and bang and scratch.

    Just dent and bang and scratch an old car that'll be CHEAP to insure as you will get Liability only and when the car is dead you buy another car.

    I have seen a nice 1992 Dodge truck on Ebay for $1000 I'd just get that and drive it into the ground for a few years.

    Btw, shop around for insurance as their prices will differ wildly. Do the comparison sites, it's free and quick and there's no obligation to buy anything.

    Hre's one I know http://best-american-insurers-free-compa...

    you can back up, input another car, see new price. Spend a while researching cars and different insurers till you find a good compromise.

    The above site is good as they'll search MANY insurers so it's a quicker process than doin one site at the time.

    more here and tons more in Google.

    Good luck

  2. I would like to recommend you possess as much information as you can before taking action,here is a good place for that purpose.

  3. if you are still paying payments on the car, then you will need comp and collision (which cover theft)  If not, the state required should be enough (unless you want the extra coverage)  

    Just use a big company like Gieco, e-surance, state farm...  someone you've heard of.  That's the safest bet.  Shop around for the lowest price.  They will ask you for your vin number, license number, date of birth...  all stuff you should know.  

    the other thing you will need to decide is how much you will pay if you are in an accident or your car is stolen.  Usually you can pay $250, $500 or $1000.  You're insurance will be cheaper if you are willing to pay $1000, but if you get into an accident, you will need to come up with $1000.  Most people go for the $500.  I have been driving for 15 years and have never had an accident, plus I have an extra thousand dollars to use if I need it, so I have a $1000 deductible.  That choice is yours.

    Last you will have to pick how much coverage you want.  If you don't own anything but your car, just get the state required amount.  If you get sued, you have nothing to lose but your credit rating.  If you have stuff you want to protect (like a house another car, a spouses income...) then you will want a little more coverage, maybe 50,000/100,000.  Also, if you live with your parents you will want the bigger insurance because the person you hit could sue your parents.  Good luck!

  4. LBJ, For car insurance the fastest way to get a low quote is do a car policy comparison. If you choose the same coverage levels, you can get an quick quote to compare against others. Use the same zip code, car make and model, mileage and driving history to ensure you get accurate comparison. To get mulitple auto quotes, go to and you can compare all the major auto insurance companies.

  5. Comprehensive insurance would cover you against theft.  Depending on your state, you are only required to have liability insurance which covers damage you do to others.  If the vehicle if financed, the lender will require you to have full coverage which is liability plus comprehensive and collision.  Collision insurance covers damage to your vehicle if you hit another car or say a telephone pole.  Comprehensive covers everything else, such as windshield cracks, deer hits, theft, and vandalism.  You will have a deductible for comp and collision which is the amount you pay out of pocket before the insurance pays anything.  The higher the deductible, the lower your insurance.  If I were you I'd contact a local independent agent in your area as they can price shop for you with many different companies to give you the best rate.

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