
Question on batting average...

by  |  earlier

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Does a players batting average go down more if he grounds into a double play compared to if he just grounded out for ONE out..?




  1. Nope.  

  2. No.  Point is he is 0 for 1 on the play.  A difference that does occur, however may be in terms of RBI'S.   If a run scores on the play before a tag play ended the innng or the force plays involved did not end it, the batter will not get an RBI if he hit into a double play, but will if only one out occurred.

  3. nope

  4. No

  5. No difference.  one out

  6. no. All that matters is that there was an out on the play, and there was not intended to be.

  7. It's batting AVERAGE.  Math doesn't understand the difference between grounding out for one or two outs.  Batting average is mathamatically calculated by taking a players number of hits and dividing it by his number of at-bats.  Example:  If you have 50 hits in 175 at bats...your batting average is .286

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