
Question on constipation for my 5 wk old son.?

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Now it doesn't seem like he is constipated to me. His stomach isn't hard, his p**p is not hard at all and he poops about every 2 days. When my mom or aunt watches him they seem to think he is constipated and have me thinking it. When my son is trying to p**p it seems like he is pushing hard like he is constipated. I don't know if he may have gas or what when he tries to push he may be just trying to f**t. I thought when a baby is constipated there p**p is hard and they don't p**p for days at a time. I was worried thinking my baby needed to go every single day. Please explain constipation or is my baby just still learning to p**p? Also his formula was changed to similac sensitive about a wk ago from similac advanced. He's actually had a few formula changes all in that wk. His p**p is also been green.




  1. eww i donno but i heard if u rub their stomach clock wise they will go easier

  2. ok yep yep, switching formula can aid in digestive issues

    the fix?? fiber and yogart (mix a fiber suppliment with some yogart into his formula) 1/4 adult size fiber tab, and 1 tablespoon yogart) also feeding him infant ceral will help with fiber as well. prune juice is good as well but not sure he will like it and it may upset his tummy)

    1 week (7days) and he will be his NORMAL for poo

    he may just be a every two day kid...

    man I wish i was...

    it doesnt need to be hard for him to be constipaited

    he may just have some blockage which is causeing difficulty

    again fiber will help move it along, as well as the yogart with the special regulating bacteria.

    serve him the good stuff, 2 times a day...

  3. Constipation is when they are in obvious serious pain trying to p**p, not just working at it and when they do p**p it's hard like a rock. If your baby is going regularly and just making a lot of effort to do it, don't worry. He's learning to p**p. My baby does the same thing and the pediatrician says it's normal. He also advised me to stay away from mothers advice when it comes to pooping. He said that is usually the main concern for parents these days is what our parents seem to think is right or wrong especially when it comes to constipation. Funny huh? Your little one is fine. As long as his p**p isn't bloody or black, it's normal.  

  4. For babies 0-3 months old, constipation is rare, even if your baby is formula-fed. Some babies grunt and strain with every movement, although it's not necessarily constipation. Still, if your baby cries or looks uncomfortable, check with your public health nurse or your GP. If your newborn passes solid stools less than once a day, it is generally considered constipation

    The green poo is from the iron in your formula...

    my daugher is 3 1/2 months and has had green poo since 1 month old.

  5. Well its ok. Try reducing the formula. like if you feed him 8 ounces. well put 8 ounces of water and 3 1/2 tbs of powder... he will be ok. Give him Prune Juice i did that .

  6. he his fine! when my son was that old he he was red faced and pushin like yours, he has never ever been constipated, he poos every day.  green poo is fine also i was wondering about this a few months ago and asked my pediatrician she said that is fine she wasnt even worried about it. my son is 5 months now and poops green everyday! he is very regular. in a parenting book i read, a baby should be seen for constipation if they havent pooped for more than 48 hours. you baby is fine. everyone used to tell me that when my son was doing the same thing yours was, dont listen, k.

  7. I agree with your first answer.  Also remember that gravity is usually working against them, as they are lying down, or propped as standing.  Makes it difficult to eliminate!  But their faces are adorable!  You would know if he were constipated - the p**p would be hard, and he would be miserable.

    Good luck to you and your baby!

  8. He just seems to be eliminating every two days instead of every day.  It might change over time, but he sounds fine.  Just keep an eye on him and make sure he isn't becoming uncomfortable. You're doing the right thing!

    Honestly...all babies make the "p**p face" - that straining grimace when they are filling a diaper.  They don't have to be constipated to make that face!

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