
Question on death penalty????

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when a person is given the death penalty for their crime the person that "kills" them r they sinning against one of God's commandments??? wat do u think?




  1. No because that person is empowered by the government to execute the criminal and, theoritically, the government is granted power by God...  there's a passage in the Bible about it actually...  can't remember where...  also, accourding to Christain theology, all sins are equal before the Lord and therefore stealing is as damnning as murder and, because no one can be free of sin (except Christ), we are all just as guilty as the most heinious murders...  We are luck to have had Christ die one the cross in payment for our sins and in fullfillment of the law...

  2. yes. Just because it is a person's job does not mean it does not go against God's commandments. Killing is killing! Why do you think there are so many soldiers who come home from war with messed up psyches? Its not a natural thing for us to do, even when necessary.  

  3. Many people quote, "Thou shalt not kill'.  Others interpret kill to mean murder.  This seems more logical since both Leviticus and Deuteronomy lists the various sins or crimes for which a person can be put to death.

  4. I doubt it, since Jehovah in the Old Testament quite regularly commanded the ancient Israelites to put people to death, including for things like witchcraft, adultery, or even just for being a non-Jew. Of course, if you're going to base your life on a set of rules laid down thousands of years ago by a bunch of goat herders worshiping a tyrant who demands blood sacrifices, then you need to have your head examined.

  5. Someone executed by the death penalty, will have the "Manner Of Death" on their death certificate listed as a "Homicide".

    The 6th Commandment seems pretty clear to me.

  6. complex...?


    no it is job resposnsibilities of position employed.

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