
Question on driving?

by  |  earlier

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isn't it true that if you are learning to drive using a drving school....and you dont have a car to practice on your own time can take longer to be ready enough to go for your license?

this is the situation I'm in....but my mom thinks otherwise.....




  1. Mom's are very often right, but not always, and this is one the not always ones!

    Being able to practice (but you must have a qualified driver beside you at all times) will obviously give you more confidence, make you more used to and skilled at using the controls etc.

    BUT - why is there always a but?  The downside, and this may be what your Mom is thinking about, is that your instructor is teaching you to drive in an 'approved' way.  If you practice with someone else they may not pick up the faults that you are making and could pass their own bad habits on to you. The driving authorities know that if you have been a driver for 10 years or more there is a good chance that you would fail a driving test first time around! because you pick up bad habits that are not corrected.

    Where I work we have lease cars. Recently the lease company made it a condition that any driver must pass a driving 'safety check'.  Now i am in a team of 8 people who regularly drive these cars, we have all had over 20 years accident free driving. We were tested the other week and the tester failed 2 people - so they cannot drive the lease cars until they have eradicated the faults in their driving and been re-tested. (note this is nothing to do with our legal rights to drive and is solely for the Lease car owners conditions as apparently they were having an unacceptable number of accidents reported to them). In our case the tester commented that if the 8 of us were to take an official driving test now, 7 of the 8 would fail !  

    ps  I was the only one that he said would pass.   Whoopee!

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