
Question on empathy and telepathy etc.?

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some weird thing happen and it just seem weird

some time when like when i am with someone it seem that when i am about to say something the other person seem to say it first as if i read their mind and it took some time for me to read it so they coquettes loud before i say maybe like an accident happen frequently.

another time something happen is that like i get completely weird dreams that has something to with the future but it isn't exactly like it and it isn't really important to time i had a dream of me playing basketball and like i never play basket ball but like i did a slam dunk and i broke the backboard and got detention.well that was my dream and like when i got to school and got gym my lass played basket ball and like the principal which was in my dream got angry because some one been stealing the basketball and he told the gym teacher to don't let any one play basketball but the class insisted we play so he gave the class detention.

there is like 3 thing that can explain this.1 i am an overly imaginative kid.2 i am insane.3 i have wierd psychic power

but wait if i am 2 then i could make myself think i am 3




  1. I believe that there are two reasons why most people are not "telepathic".

    1. No two minds are on exactly the same frequency.  Brain waves are like radio frequency waves - the sending station and the receiving station have to be tuned to the same frequency - and that almost never happens because everyone's frequency range is slightly different.

    2. The average mind has too much "white noise" or mental static to pick up a transmission from another mind.  A really strong transmitter can over-ride a weaker signal and/or a really strong receiver can pull in a signal that is close to but not right in the frequency range it is turned to, but with most of us, there is just too much interference.

    No one's frequency is constantly in one place all the time, though.  We each have our own range within which our frequencies constantly fluctuate micro-second by micro-second.  When people like you pick up on someone else's thoughts, it is a fleeting moment when your frequency and theirs overlapped for the space of a single thought..

  2. you're awesome lol!

    "there is like 3 thing that can explain this.1 i am an overly imaginative kid.2 i am insane.3 i have wierd psychic power

    but wait if i am 2 then i could make myself think i am 3"

    hahahah, but seriously, i guess i do have some belief in telepathy, etc. There have been some (not many) instances in which I definately knew exactly what was going to happen prior to it actually occurring....I think maybe alot of animals have the same senses, and perhaps humans have lost alot of our abilities to channel these kinds of things ever since we got on our own superiority kick :)

    cya round, kiddo. Or will I? you might know :)

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