
Question on getting pregnant just after a miscarriage....?

by  |  earlier

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I just had a miscarriage on Monday. I was only 5 weeks along and didn't need a D&C. I know this might be a bit selfish, but we REALLY wanted to be pregnant because I am a teacher so I could have all next summer off with a baby before heading back to work. So we wanted to start trying right away again. I have already quite bleeding, and my HCG was already down to 30 on Monday when I miscarried. I was so afraid to try to get pregnant so soon after, but these posts are hopeful. I am so scared to miscarry again. My husband and I got pregnant the very first time we tried. Was that just luck? Or will that typically be the case. I hope it is!!!!

Is there any research saying that we will have a greater chance of another miscarriage? I think we are just going to start trying again this week.




  1. Even if you were only 5 weeks, your body needs some time to heal from that. Doctors typically recommend waiting 3 months after an early miscarriage to heal, otherwise your risk does increase. No matter how antsy you are about it, the health of your future child is important enough to wait - and continued miscarriages can essentially drop the chance of having a baby to zero. Take some time, rest up, and try again when your doctor says it's okay.

  2. i dont no how true this is but a friend of mine miscarried and was told 2 wait til she had 2 more monthly cycles b 4 she tried again but i do also no people who have been pregnant miscarried got pregnant straight away and had perfectly healthy babies just cause u miscarry once doesnt mean it will happen again if u talk 2 most people u will find most of them have had a miscarraige (me included) but i still went on 2 have a perfectly healthy son after and i had a daughter 5 years b 4 that and the fact u were only 5 weeks is still not nice it not a nice thing 2 go through and try not 2 worry x

  3. I had a m/c was 12 weeks along and had no d&c, i got pregnant the next time i ovulated ( month later) and have a healthy baby girl now. I am glad i didn't wait, some studies even suggest that you are more fertile after a m/c and having a baby anyways. The suggested wait 3 months by all doctors is just what they have to say its based on the womb healing when there is most likely a d&c is what my OB told me. i say have at it and good luck. go get a ovulation predictor and have a grand time

  4. I'm sorry Hun for your loss but you need to let your body heal and regulate its self again,wait 3 cycles then try again other wise you will have a greater chance of miscarriage .

    I had a miscarriage on April The 20Th a period on may the 8th a chemical pregnancy  in june we were not trying cont reception failed,

    And i found out last Monday i was pregnant again.

    You must give your body time Hun,it needs to recover from the miscarriage

  5. Well my case is a little different from yours because I did have a d&c. But my dr only had us wait a until I stopped bleeding to have s*x and told me that we could start as soon as we wanted to. He said that you are more fertile after a miscarriage. So as long as you feel ok and your dr has given you the go ahead I say go for it. I know that a lot of people are going to tell you to wait but my dr said that there is no reason to. You probably won't miscarry again, although it still is a possibility.

    Good luck to you and I am so sorry about your loss.

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