
Question on guatemala!?

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what is the most eaten food there?




  1. There depends the region that you are since in guatemala there are many cultures but the more eaten is the beans with rice, tropical fruits, ceviche, hilachas, chuchitos, tamales, enchiladas, pupusas, chicken with rice, tacos, dobladas, tostadas, coconut salad, hot mango, churrasco, chicharon, and yuca, chilaquilas, Gallo en chixa, cac´ik, subanic, tortoice soup, revolcado, pepian, sakic, mole and marquesote.

    mmmmmmm I have hunger!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Alexo mentioned everything. When i went we had a lot of black beans along with everything Alexo mentioned. The food was really good. There were several times we had spicy food.

  3. The Maya civilization began when the learned how to cultivate corn, according to their creation myth.

    The Maya people call themselves the "children of the corn". That should say it all.

  4. Though the other answer of rice isn't wrong, rice is not as huge of a staple as black beans are.

  5. my husband is guatemalan. When we were there it was a lot of chicken,black beans, rice, and eggs. Never spicy food though not any place I had been there.

  6. Mostly spicy very similar to what you see on a Mexican Restaurant Menu and lots of fruit.  At least this was the case four years ago when I was there.


  8. Definitely Black beans! Also, Fried plantains and cocido aka Caldo de Rez which is like beef stew except better!

  9. . There are plenty of food sites that will tell you.

    This site  @ ; .. says,

      "At the beginning of the twenty-first century, an empanada (meat turnover) could be purchased for about twenty-five cents, chicken tortillas for fifty cents each, and a hot beef sandwich for about seventy-five cents.

    corn continues to be a staple food. It is most often eaten in the form of a tortilla (a thin corn pancake). These are usually served warm and wrapped in cloth. Black beans (frijoles), another Mayan staple, are eaten at almost every meal. They are usually refried (volteados), mashed, or simply eaten whole (parados). Rice, eggs, and cheese are also widely consumed.

    Chicken, turkey, and beef (roasted, grilled, or fried) are the country's most popular meats and are normally accompanied by beans and rice (frijoles con arroz). " etc.

    .... it sounds like a healthy place!

  10. Alexo say all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. when my brother went, he said they ate a lot of rice.  also plantains.  they're kinda like bananas.

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