
Question on homeshooling or online homeshool!!! pretty easy please answer, <span title="thx10pts10pts10pts.................">thx10pts10pts10pts..........</span>

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hi, i was wondering what i can do, homeschool, homebound, or online shool. can you tell me what i can do, i m in the 6th grade and live in kansas. my reason for wanting to do homwschool is because i am unable to learn/pay attention in school around my peers. my grades are fair and i think i would be doing alot better if i was learning on my own. if my parent was to teach me by homeschool do they need a teaching degree or i eligible for online learning. also the early mornings are getting to me, other than not being able to go to bed ontime, getting up that early makes me so tired that i am not able to concentrate in class. please tell me what i can do. thx and remember 10pts...




  1. You will need to take a look at your state laws in order to find out what will be required of your parents.  You can find your state&#039;s laws here:

    Here are descriptions of online homeschooling and traditional textbook homeschooling, along with a list of popular providers.  Read over these descriptions to see what would fit your learning style and needs:

    With homeschooling, you can set your own schedule and begin your studies later in the morning if that works out better for you.  You will, however, have to be self-motivated to get started and stay on task.

    Good luck!

  2. Most if not all Homeschools only require your parents to had graduate highschool as well. And that&#039;s it.. I&#039;ve been in 2 homeschools Pre-K-Grade 8 and then Grade 9 - 12. And they&#039;ve only required parents to have a HS diploma.

    I&#039;m not sure about online classes, I do not see why they would reject anyone. Most of homeschools or online classes do not care why you are learning from home (not to be mean).. if they do I&#039;d think it be discrimination.

    There&#039;s a small list of Online and homeschooling places below. If you find one interesting or even others do not hesitate to call and ask them questions you&#039;d like to know. I&#039;m with the American School of corr.. they don&#039;t do online classes at this time though.

  3. Homeschool seems like a good option for you.  

    In KS, you need to register as a private nonaccredited private school.  It&#039;s a simple form and needs to be sent to Topeka or you can fill it out online (link below).  This is only done once.  After that, you are free to homeschool in your private school!

    At your age, you should be able to do a lot of studying without much supervision.  

    Fortunately KS has a lot of homeschoolers, so there are lots of support groups.  

    Good luck :D

  4. No, your parent does not need a teaching degree. The curriculum is totally up to you and your parent, and you learn it based on texts that you can buy.  Also, the county your in should be checking the work to make sure you are leanring, and you may have to take state tests. Also, you could do schooling online which would not require your parents to teach you. This way, you can interact with a teacher online, but not be in a traditioanl school setting, and still be able to learn at your own pace and on your own time. Sites to check out for this are: &amp;

    I believe they are both entirely free, and they both network in your state.

  5. I don&#039;t think your parents need a teaching degree. I was home schooled since the 3rd grade. My mom was the one who would teach me and siblings,but she did graduate with a high school diploma and a college diploma. I did my homeschooling at home. I would wake up at my own time, thats a cool thing about being homeschooled, but you should be careful not to abuse that freedom because you can fall behind very easily. Wake up at a time thats best for you, but be sure that you will commit to your home schooling just as you should in regular school. As for online school, I &#039;ve never tried that so I wouldn&#039;t know much about it. You should maybe try to fine what sort of curriculum you&#039;d like to use. I used A.C.E. I think it&#039;s the easiest curriculum out there for at home home schooling. It was very easy for me and the text arent that thick at all!

    I hope you found this of some help to you

    Good luck!!

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