
Question on how to stop on ice skates....10 points to most helpful!!?

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Im taking my GF ice skating for her first time this saturday for our anniversary. Ive always skated on rollerblades and am used to "T-stopping." That method is what came naturally to me on the ice as well. I haven ice skated for a long time and would probably wear hockey skates and my GF regular ice skates. Whats the easiest way to teach her how to stop properly on the regular ice skates? Thank you




  1. You could teach her the hockey stop. You'd be surprised at how many beginning figure skaters can do this.  You just have to shift your weight to one side, keep your knees bent, and put pressure on your blades/feet to make the stop into the ice.

    If you try to show her the t-stop, try to get her to use the OUTSIDE edge of the stopping blade. Beginners like to use the inside edge because it is easier to drag it that way. This method will slow you down and get you to stop eventually and is ok but ideally the outside edge should be used.

  2. t stop will be easiest except for the "run into the wall" method. she could also drag her toe pick but that isn't good for the ice so discourage that.

  3. t stop or v stop ie. poit your toes together in the front so your edge causes friction against the ice if shes wearing regular skates in basics we learned the easiest stop is emergencey stop the you pick up one foot place the toe pick on the ice and let it continuolusly hit the ice until you stop

  4. Turn your feet sideways so the blade is sideways, see olympic skaters....

  5. ok. t-stop is like the hardest of my 3 methods.

    1) try a snow-plow stop--u bend ur kness and skid with ur blades in a v facing away from u.

    2) my fave--the hockey stop.--when ur moving forward, turn ur stronger foot (left for left-footed, right for right) in so the outer edge is facing at a diagonal away from u--not all the way straight in front put sorta like pigeon toe with one foot still on the regular edge and the strong foot on outer (pigeon toe) edge

    hope i helped.

  6. I think a snowplow stop would be the easiest.  This is technically the first stop you learn before learning T stops or hockey stops.  For the 2 foot snowplow, you bend the knees, you turn in both toes (so it's like an upside down V), and put pressure on the center of the blade (push out) to come to a stop.  

    I actually thought one foot snowplow stops were easier for me.  This guy explains the one foot snowplow stop in this video - but 2 foot is essentially the same except you put pressure on both sides.  Plus he gives an exercise that can be done before trying the actual stop to give you the feel of "scraping" the ice (which is what is hardest to "feel" when someone is learning how to stop).  A visual always helps!

    Here are other explanations of the snowplow stop:

    If anything, I would have her glide on 2 feet til she slows down naturally - and then maybe try the stop.  Some first timers panic when too much speed is involved . . . so take it slow and easy.  

    Best of luck . . . and happy annniversary!!  What a fun way to celebrate  :)  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. use d t-stop. It's very useful. Never try a spin stop. It's too slippery and too little friction.

  8. well you should tell her to bend her knees and hunch her back and use her right or left leg to stop gliding.

    good luck hope i helped =D

  9. THATS SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :):)

    and ummm i would say just show her on roller blades or something. :)

  10. I figure skate and the easiest way for a beginner is to genly push one foot out to the side.  You can also do a T-stop on figure skates but that is a little harder for beginners.  I hope that you have fun and I hope that this helps!

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