Hi im 16 years old Im 6'2'' and im 300lbs. I just got this new job that requires me to exercise. Basically my job is cleaning and i ride my bike to the place which is a mile and takes me 13 minutes to get there.Takes me 3 - 3/12 hours to clean the place - which is basically walking (Emptying trash from bin to bin, vaccumming the place, basic cleaning etc) Id say id do 2 miles of walking through out the entire place. Then i ride my bike home which is another mile. Im not dieting but i DO watch what i eat. Im eating alot less junk - drinking more water. Im used to eating alot of junk at night before bed but i stopped that. I learned that when im itching for a snack, i can drink water instead and i get full. Id drink about 3/4 of a gallon everyday. Question is - Do you think i would lose weight? Im only 16 and i dont want to diet because its like i cook my own food. If i lived by myself then thats a different story. But I was on the scale and i lost 12 lbs already which i know is all water...Also im not gonna look at the scale because it can be discouraging. Instead - hopefully ill go by my clothes. Feeling whats getting loose. Do you think id see an improvement on my health? Thanks!