
Question on my horoscope?

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I'm desperately trying to get promoted and even get a relocation as part of this. Will that happen in the near future, 2008 or 2009? I was born june 30th '67 in Chennai India at 11:55PM




  1. Personal Year for Number: 1 The start of a new 9 year cycle - A time for change, & new BEGINNINGS.

    This is an ACTION YEAR: The influence of this year will have a significant effect for you to plan your long term goals, & to consider where you would like to be in a few years time. An inability to begin a new venture this year may delay your prospects until the start of the next nine year cycle. You should clarify your goals & start working toward their achievement. This is a year to stand on your own two feet, to attain independence & be determined. Any opportunity which comes your way, take advantage of it without hesitation. (Opportunities though, should be considered carefully, as impulsiveness isn’t likely to be helpful). Plan & begin anything new - or make changes or expand, at least, widen your interests & activities. Now is the time to ACT. Hard work may be necessary to get things moving. Independence is paramount. This may be a time to ‘go it ‘ alone particularly in relationships/partnerships & especially if a relationship/partnership came to a close last year (in the nine Personal Year). If a situation has been of concern, this is the time to break free or make any necessary adjustments. This is also a time, to express courage, assertiveness & confidence without arrogance or impulsiveness. Any change of direction made this year will probably be due to your own efforts. Make use of this POWERFUL, period & use it’s fullest advantage.

    Love & Blessings


  2. Your pay will increase. Stay within boundaries.

  3. Things will start to change for you in a very positive way around March of 09.  It will start slowly but you will see and hear about movements in your work.  There will be openings but be patient and don't tell too many people what you are hoping to achieve because someone may take it away from you due to jealousy.  So as they say "hold your cards to your chest" so no one knows.  Only let the important people that can make a difference in your advancement to know your intentions and it will go in  your favor.  Good Luck.  It is there for you.  You are a good employee and they know it already.  Don't worry.  You already have the position just be patient.

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