
Question on nipple stimulation?

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I have a really weird question. Im 38 weeks along, this is my first pregnancy. If your able to reach on your own nipples, like suck them, is that ok to do? Cause i know nipple stimulation helps to start up labor. Im already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. Would me sucking on them work? I dont have a partner thats why im asking




  1. If that's something you'd like to try to jump start labor then your doc can instruct you in how to do it properly. Walking is also good.

  2. You sucking on your own nipples would only result in a blow to your own dignity, and a mouth full of colostrum...

    I don't know what kind of nipple stimulation you have been told about, but I didn't know sucking was a part of the procedure.

    Plus if you could actually reach, that's some flexible boob you have there!

  3. Its not gross at all like I others say. I'm 39 weeks and I'm thinking of doing the same thing. Like you may have, I have researched about it and I have found many pros and one con. I asked my doctor and she said go for it. Good Luck  

  4. I just came across an awesome website on how to induce labor naturally!  It says that nipple stimulation is pretty effective and it tells you how to try.

    Good luck!

  5. It is said that nipple stimulation can help things along, however it takes a LOT of stimulation - like, long periods of time with a breast pump, for example. And even then it does not guarantee anything. Not only that, but you shouldn't attempt it unless your doctor or midwife is okay with it, because nipple stimulation can bring on not just contractions, but much harder contractions than you would otherwise have.

    A typical full term pregnancy is 37 to 42 weeks, so you have PLENTY of time. I understand being impatient and uncomfortable and excited, but the best thing to do is to let nature take it's course, barring any medical issues that arise.  

  6. I dont know about nipple stimulation, but you could try eating spicy food, thats meant to work, i had s*x with my husband and a day or 2 later i had my baby

  7. Hey congratulations on the baby by the way.  

    This one worked for my mum, so hey why not.  She could reach her own and I can honestly say that I am able to reach.  It does help having bigger b*****s.

    If you feel comfortable doing it and you want to get labour moving along, I say go for it - I would seriously consider it closer to my due date (im only 30 weeks along)!

  8. gross. weird.

  9. your body will go into labor when your baby is ready. all those things that ppl say you can do to try and bring labor on are dumb. they may say they work, but there is nothing you can do to bring labor on. dont force labor on either. its only added stress onyou and your baby. besides sucking your own **** is pathetic.  

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