
Question on riding/ braking/ shifting a motorcycle properly?

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On a Motorcycle, if I need to slow to turn in the city and I am only in 3rd gear, what do I do? Do I just pull in the clutch and lightly break then come out still in 3rd? Or do I just hit the breaks lightly without pulling in the clutch? Or down shift down to 1st? I imagine downshifting to 1st just to slow when I'm only in 3rd is needless, but i really am not sure. What about in traffic situations also? If you might have to stop, but aren't sure, you might have to just slow down and then keep going. Sorry to seem dumb, I have never shifted before- obviosly. I just want to be safe. Thanks in advance.




  1. That depends on the bike. The best I can tell you is to ride it and find out. If the bike lugs, you're using too high of a gear and if it revs too high, you're too low.

  2. down shift one gear as you approach the turn. stay off the clutch & roll thru the turn & apply gas as you leave the turn. apply the gas GENTLY as you leave the turn.

    If you're not an experienced rider go take a m/c safety course. they teach you the proper/safe way to ride, WELL worth the time & money. may even get you a break on your insurance.

  3. You need to take a Motorcycle Riders Course, get signed up now before you really get hurt...

  4. The thing you need to do is downshift into second and let the engine slow you down, you will then be able to accelerate thru the turn in second gear.  You should probably get into a motorcycle rider class before you go riding in the city, these are often offered through a larger motorcycle dealership.  Remember, you, as the rider, must drive for everyone else on the road, as you have the most to lose in a wreck with another vehicle.  Do yourself a favor and stay away from other traffic while learning to ride.

  5. Pull in the clutch, down shift to 2nd, let out the clutch, let the engine slow you down while you're gently applying the front brake.

    Just like the yellow pages rhyme - "Let your fingers do the walking" - with your motorcycle, let the engine do the slowing.

    If after you downshift and let out the clutch, the engine is reving to fast, you've downshifted to soon.

    Pull in the clutch lever and slow down some more using both brakes.

  6. It is like in a car do what you feel is right for you.  after a few times if you feel you need to down shift to have your motor in the range you want you will.  If you leave where it is an find you are in to high a gear you will downshift then and know to do so earlier next time.  Just between you and your bike as to what works best.  I would not ride the clutch is all.  You will feel what is right after a couple times.


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