
Question on stud fees?

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I have been thinking of breeding my pug with my friends female pug. Already looked into lineage so no oh you gotta check this and that. I am wondering what is a fair stud fee. I was wanting a puppy maybe not sure would I be in the wrong to ask pick of the litter or is it up to them to decide?




  1. Apparently you did not check too much.  If you checked and both dogs had championship lines and were show quality, you would not need to ask  us what kind of stud fees you could get.  Basically you are more than likely just breeding two pets and it will probably cost you more in vet fees for the pups than you will make in stud fees.  

    The only people who should be breeding are people who are breeding for conformation of the breed.

  2. There should be a meeting of the minds.You decied what you want ,such as pick of the litter and ask what they want.Then you write it in a contract make three copies sign each and have them sign each.On the contract it should say(1)How old the pup will be before you make your pick. How old it will be when you take it home.(2) what happens if this breeding only produces one pup do you get it or would you rather have a stud fee?(3)The stud fee is usually what you paid for your stud.(4)I assume these dogs are registered?So you want in writing a statment saying the owner of the ***** must take care of getting this litter registered.(5) Make sure it list if this pup is to be wormed and have its first shots,before you take it home(6)If the litter is lost (which happens some times) will you rebred at no cost?Decided these things write it all down and when you both agree,sign all 3 papers give them one copy you keep the other two in a safe place.Good Luck Tilks Mom

  3. Lineage is nowhere near the most important thing, especially with Pugs, that are prone to tons of genetically based health problems.  Have you had all his health screenings done (OFA for patellas, heart defects, thyroid, etc, BAER for hearing, CERF for eyes)?  Has he been shown with favorable results?  Has he been STD tested?  Has the female had all these things done?  If not, stop and do these things, or neuter your pug.  I have a Min Pin with 5 champions in the last 3 generations.  He's also unsuitable to be used as a stud due to conformation defects and he's mismarked.  My Boston has 4 champions in the last 3 generations.  Also totally unsuitable to be bred.  She has severe food allergies (which do have a genetic basis) and severe luxating patellas in both knees (also genetic and often need an orthopedic screening to detect before they are symtomatic).  

  4. My mom had her female bread and the owner of the stud wants pick of the litter also.  You can request pick of the litter or you can get what she sales one for as your fee.  

  5. It's not about the bloodlines of the pug. It's about whether the pug ITSELF has won any CH titles. I'm pretty sure your pug is only pet-quality if you are asking us these questions. You obviously don't have a breeding mentor, meaning you don't have a show dog on your hands.

    You see, the thing about breeding is, if they aren't champions and have not proven that they are pug standard in the show ring, then if you breed them, you are producing pet-quality pups. I'm not saying the show dogs don't produce pet-quality pups, but they usually have show prospects in the litter too, the pups that are show ring hopefuls.

    Breeding pet-quality to pet-quality is no good, eventually you're going to get throwback puppies. These will look nothing like the pug. This is why we stress that breeding should be left to the actual breeders and not the backyard breeders. They know what they are doing.

    Please fix your dog, it will help with the over population of dogs and cats in the shelters that need homes. You may think that if you have the puppies, that they will end up in their forever homes, but that's not true with the people who just breed to breed. Reputable breeders know how to choose homes and are very picky about it.

    If you really want to breed your pug, prove it is up to standard in the show ring and get some titles.

    (because people don't listen anyway)

    You are in the right to ask for a puppy because you have the stud, without it, the b*tch can't get pregnant. I think a fair stud fee is about $100 or less, because it isn't a show dog. And the puppies (being pet quality) should be around $300-400.

  6. It's good you looked into their lineage.  Have you also had all the health and genetic tests done?  Gotten a conformation CH. on both dogs?

    My dog also has a great lineage - however, he is pet quality, not breeding quality.  Having a good lineage for your dog says *nothing* about your dog's breeding potential, sorry!

    To answer the question, the general stud fee is the pick of the litter, or the price of one puppy - in this case, $100-$200.  
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