
Question on tennis.?

by Guest65968  |  earlier

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what should i do, besides actually playing tennis, to get better?

like sprints or what?




  1. There are a few things that can help you improve your game. Including but not limited to soccer, which the shuffling of your feet will improve your footwork, hence one of the key points of tennis is being in the right position to hit the ball. And also running/swimming, for they both help your endurance.

    However I believe going out to the courts and hitting the ball a little is the best way to go, as long as you're practicing the right technique for your strokes that hopefully a coach or instructor taught you, for if you're just hitting the ball you might develop the wrong form, which will be hard to break later on when you play at higher more competitive levels.

    And another thing don't lift weights too often, having too much muscle can make you stiff which makes hitting the ball well harder for your stroke should work like a whip.

  2. Hire a coach.

    Go to the gym.

  3. Get stronger.

  4. tennis is a very aerobic and anaerboic sport, so you can try long distance running and after that do 10 sets of sprints. i suggest not doing alot of weights as this will make you stiff and that isnt good for tennis. try yoga, it will make you flexible and that is good.

  5. I don't know! but i guess you could search online for some tips? and get in shape if your not?

  6. Make your arms stronger

  7. Get out the jump rope, and do a lot of drills where you run between the lines. That will not only help fitness but quickness as well.

    Also spend some time meditating and working on a quiet solid mind. It is an under used toolm, but being calm when the pressure is on is just as important as a big serve or any other shot. A routine to strengthen you mentally will improve your game a lot.

  8. First, I would stretch a lot. Work out as well, because staying in shape can help keep you fit and increase your stroke performance and endurance on the court. Keep doing that and you should be good to go!

  9. u need 2 work on the grip of your racket. use a western grip. make sure your racket is all the way in air and hit the racket on the ball facing down like a volley.
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