
Question on trans racial adoptions?

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Dh and I are wanting to adopt out side our race. where should I go to find information on different cultures besides the internet?




  1. I understand -- My husband and I are caucasian and we adopted a baby who is black. You can go to any agency -- look into some in your area and find one you are comfortable with because you will be working with them for several months -- and tell them you are specifically interested in adopting a child of a different race. White babies are in the highest demand so it should be easier (less time) to adopt a child of a minority race. As far as finding info about the various cultures, it seems to me that your friends are your best resource. The internet is certainly a great place for research (at least as a starting place) but, I would talk to everyone you know first.

  2. My son is Guatemalan and my husband and I are white.  The internet is a great place to start.  Also, there are psychologists who specialize in this field.  

    My husband and I went to hear Amanda Baeden speak - she has a few books out and is incredible.  Her website is

    Read Read Read and when you are done... read some more :)

    Also, please understand that there is an "anti" movement as well.  You will do yourself a favor by understanding it as much as possible.

    Good luck to you!

  3. Why does it matter?

    "There are neither Jews nor Greeks, slaves nor free people, males nor females. You are all the same in Christ Jesus." (Galations 3:28)

    Instead of celebrating race, why don't we celebrate Humanity? Celebrate people crossing the "racial boundries" and uniting with their brothers and sisters of the Earth.

  4. You could contact that country's consulate and see if you can meet some nationals of that country in your town. You can also visit that country to find out more.

    Check out this website: They adopted a Chinese girl and Salvadorian boy. You can probably contact them . Good luck:)

  5. I'd suggest the library!!! I'm glad to see that other people are willing to adopt a child that is not exactly their "color", we are all ONE race...the human race...we should care for one another even if we are darker or lighter than our parents!!!!!!!!

  6. wouldn't trans racial mean that the kid is changing race??

  7. We adopted transracially.  It can be done & done successfully.

    Go here

    to see what you can find.

    Another resource for great books is:

    it should take you right to the transracial section.

    I wish you well on your journey.  It's excellent that you have resources to get your kids around other folks who "look the same" as they do.  It's important to their self image and their identity.

  8. We are white parents that have adopted an african american daughter....

    We actually have contacted some african american families in our community to ask questions to, doing things with, and learn from.  Our daughter also spends time with them and their family.

  9. I'm sorry you have gotten some uneducated, insensitive  responses!  Geez.

    I like the website that PACT, An Adoption Alliance has.  They have an Article section which has some great articles on Transracial adoption, and African American Identity, etc.

    Transracial adoption has its challenges, for parents and children.  But it is a joyous, wonderful adventure!  The best of luck to you.  Email me if you want more info, or to talk.

  10. why would you want your child to change its race,

    just influence your child to have pride in their culture

  11. there are several books so do an internet search for adoption or multiracial adoption and you can find list of books to help kids who are adopted and are or a different race

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