
Question on what to do?

by  |  earlier

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Wow.. Im totally stressed... Im a college student on summer break and I work construction (May until October, Mon-Friday 7-4).. Well tonight my family got a call and my grandfather has pneumonia and congestive heart failure and not sure how much longer he has so my parents and I wanna go up to Pennsylvania to see him (We live in Florida) and we are going to be gone for a week, until Friday.. the problem is, if I call my job and leave them a message now, will I lose my job?? I know its a full week and the night before we leave but there's nothing else I can do. I'm so overstressed and can't stop thinking about losing my job because its short notice.. What can I do??




  1. Please try to contact your boss over phone and inform him. Even otherwise your job is safe as you are taking leave for an unforeseen and unavoidable cause !!

  2. NO job should fire you for that.  Its an emergency.  If you have a good attendence record they should have no problem...  I would get some sort of documentation from the hospital or something showing that you didnt just ditch out and go on vacation....

    Hope everything turns out ok for you and your family

    Best wishes

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