
Question por people who have been to Puerto Vallarta???

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Hi there

I would like to know how "americanized" is this place?? I am planning to go but i dont want to go to a place where I feel around americans...thats why I am going there instead of Cancun...Are the majority of tourists there americans?? Is it nice there? Would you recommend going there??




  1. There are many gringos, but it is not more "americanized" than the rest of this country. Everywhere there is english speaking people, even in the smaller towns.

    There are many mexican tourists in Vallarta, gringos are no the majority. There are less than in Cancún.

  2. We just got back from PV.  It depends on the areas you go as to how 'Americanized' it is. There are a lot of tourists downtown thanks to the cuiseliners that come in, but you will find a wide variety of nationalities.  The main language is Spanish, with English in second.  I would highly recommend learning a little spanish if you don't already know, because there were a few times that when we asked questions the person didn't understand english.

    There are also a lot of towns on the outskirts that are low on tourists, high on national culture.  

    If you decide to go, I hope you thoroughly enjoy your stay.  This was our 3rd year in PV, and we'll go again next January.

  3. Lots of Americans There

  4. Just stay out of town when the cruise ships come in, the rest of the time it's fine.  Go to the cathedral, tour a tequila factory, watch the sunset from the top of the lighthouse.

  5. one of my favorite places in Mexico and most people speak english, more americanized than East LA

  6. When i went there wernt tons of tourists but there was still quite a few, i recommend going there

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