
Question re: part ex?

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I negotiated a deal through a dealer on a new car (well not brand new but newer than my current car). This deal comprised of the car at asking price less £300 as part-ex on our car (N reg Renault Megane) plus 6 months road tax on the car im purchasing thrown in. So we shook hands and I paid a deposit of £100 to hold the car til I get the money on Friday.

Well, something is niggling me - he accepted £300 on my car without even checking it. He asked about the mileage and if it had MOT - which is does, 12 months. But the driver door does not unlock with the key, and the spare key snapped off in the boot lock so that doesnt lock either. And the braking system has a crack on one of the pipes somewhere which is drawing in air and makes the brakes go spongey. Im going to bleed the brakes before I take it down though but they will go spongey within 3 days.

If he comes to realise any of this on the day I pay the remainder of the balance can he refuse to take our car in or reduce the value on part-ex even though we have agreed the deal and me paying a deposit?

I hate to be dishonest, but he didnt ask about any faults with the car and essentially it is just these minor niggles, so I didnt say!

Also should I include my cd player with the car im part-exing and leave the tax on it or take these off?




  1. he will just put the car in an auction so he wont be bothered

    depending how much tax you have left on your car if more than a month go to the post office for a form(can`t remember what it is called) you get a refund for each full month that is left on the tax.

    is up to you on the cd player if its a good make take it out

  2. well i doubt he cairs,

    so long as it looks good

    he will just flog it off down the auction and make a profit on it.

    tidy it up he will

    and no he cant refuse

    leave the tax on its useless otherwise

  3. What the dealer has done is give a £300 discount to make a sale. He will probably move the car on to a dealer lower down the chain who deals in cheap cars. This is a common practice in the motor trade.

    Did you tell him the car had current road tax and a cd player?, if so you should leave them with the car, after all you have entered into a contract with the dealer and you both have obligations to each other.

  4. when you done the deal on your new car did you get any money of the price if no thats why he has give you £300 for your old car as most car dealers expect at least to knock £200 off the price of any car and sometimes more depending on what the car owes them,so really he has got your old car for nothing or next to nothing,if you didnt say your old car had tax on or a cd in take them out,and i wouldent bother with the brakes,take it from me he is not going to loose out,your old car will be sold on at profit,the only way you will loose your deposit is if you pull out the dealEDITsorry just seen you paid the asking price for new car he has got yours for nothing take the tyres as well
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