
Question regarding Apple iPod Classic 160GB and advice for a player to buy...

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I want to buy 160 GB iPod but don't know if it would be easy to manage it.

Hard drive on my laptop is 40 GB. Currently I have 4 GB iPod and iTunes keeps all my music on my hard drive, it's 4 GB of music. My laptop's hard drive is pretty full at this point. Then there would be no space to place 160 GB of media to my laptop's hard drive with this new iPod.

So how does it work with this 160GB iPod? Does it have it's own built in hard drive and iTunes is gong to work directly with it avoiding computer's hard drive? Then what happens if iPod get's broken, do I lose all the music I bought?

What is the best MP3 player to buy? I would want it to have a lot of memory, radio, voice recording, a slot for secure digital card so I would expand its memory in the future... And of course it should play music and video.




  1. the 160 gig is like a normal iPod, so the music has to be on the computer to be on the player. And i think that you should either buy another internal hard drive to be used just to store music (if you have a desktop) or a roomy external hard drive (no less than 320gb) if you have a laptop.

    P.S. you should buy it. I have one and i never even bother to think about  

    a file fitting on there. It's almost impossible to fill up.

  2. cool i ran into the same problem last week

    i suggest buying it..go for it!

    BUT buy a terabyte back-up's 1,000 gigs and can store more than you can imagine obviously.  that way your pc isn't jammed up and you can enjoy your new ipod.

    they aren't that expensive at all...i got mine on ebay for half the price of the ipod

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