
Question regarding Fantasy Baseball (mixed league)...?

by  |  earlier

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I am in a mixed league, and currently in 2nd place of 12 in a competative public league. I have a decent lineup of pitchers (Shields, Moyer, Cook, Lohse, Gallaraga, etc.). I also have a potent batting lineup (Uggla, Braun, Ludwick, Cantu, Schumacker, Holliday, etc.) I also have Milton Bradley (questionable quad injury- but not on the DL) and Rafael Furcal (DL since last month & not looking good). Should i trade/drop Furcal and/or Bradley? What should i do?




  1. Trade Bradley

    He's a good hitter but he's not going to keep his hot streak up. He has good trade value so sell while he's hot.

  2. Trade Bradley while his value is high. Keep on to Furcal, he will get you good stats.

  3. Is this a points league or Roto?  Also, is it a standard draft league or Auction?  In any case, if you wanted to trade bradley or furcal, you missed your window.  You can't get good value now that they are hurt.

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