
Question regarding baby monitor, please help????

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The other night my husband and I were laying there unable to sleep, so we just talked. I got up to go use the restroom while my husband got up to check on our daughter whom was passed out. When my husband shut the door to our daughters room he heard two different baby laughs, none of which were hers. It freaked him out but he didn't think much of it. We walked back into our living room, layed down and continued our conversation. It's about 3:00-4:00a.m, all of a sudden my husband tells me to turn on our baby monitor because he thought he was hearing things, i turned it on and all of a sudden this song just started playing. It sounded like it was an old record player. You couldn't really make out the words but we are sure it was a song, this song played over and over and over again. It was also what my husband was hearing befor i turned on the monitor. Anyways we thought it was the alarm clock in our daughters room, that's where it seemed to be coming from.




  1. yeah they pick up strange things ours would pick up some sort of loud beeping and scare us in the middle of the night.  there was one last year on the news, one of those video baby monitors started picking up a NASA feed.  personally unless you have some monster size house you should be able to hear your baby crying.  we haven't even set it back up for our second child.

  2. Most likely your monitor is picking other signals from nearby homes.  We pick up air traffic control from the L3 Airport on my daughter's baby monitor and that airport is over 10 miles away.  Don't be concerned.  It may be kind of strange and freaky at first, but it's nothing paranormal or unheard of.  Baby monitors pick up a lot of things from sometimes even great distances.  Cell phone singals can also be picked up as well.

    You could look into a digital monitor and you won't pick up as much.

  3. that sounds more like your daughter has an angel! its possible that the monitor could have picked it up but if you hear it when the monitor is off, then your daughter has an angel. next time it happens go outside and see if you can hear it maybe coming from a nearby house if not then you got your answer!

    Its not a bad thing. its a good thing! My daughter has an angel too and it happens to be her poppy, my father who died when I was 8 weeks pregnant with my daughter!

  4. considering its not likely you would've picked that up from a neighbour, as you suspect. then you have a ghost who watches over your child lol I donno :P

    my baby monitor doesn't pick up anything except the neighbour's cell phone.

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